Can't hurt her- Angst + Fluff (S.S)

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"You have a point, but i don't know what changed, maybe it's the fact that he hasn't flirted or asked me out once for like six months now or maybe it's the fact that he's moving on that has me so interested in him all of a sudden, i just- i don't Y/N i really like him." Lydia said.

I wanted to start crying from how mad i was and it's not even about the fact that she hurt him, made him chase after her for years and now suddenly she likes him that has me so angry, it's the fact that she knows i like him!
I've told her multiple times about how much i like him and there were even times when she told me to go for it, that she'd be happy to see him obsessed with another girl because then he would finally leave her alone.

"I- i'm happy for you then, i guess." I said, putting on my best fake smile.

"Really?" She asked me, turning to look at me.

"Yea, you're one of my best friends Lydia, how could i not be happy for you." I said

She leand over the middle console and hugged me. I hugged her back.


Lydia dropped me off at home. When i got to my room i put my phone on charge and took a nice, long shower that i desperately needed to clear my thoughts. I kept thinking about me and Stiles and how he said he liked me, but i also kept thinking about what Lydia said. She likes Stiles.

I sat there in the shower, consumed by my thoughts for almost an hour before i made my final decision.

I was going to back off. Lydia is my best friend and if she likes Stiles than i'm going step aside so that they can be happy and that's all i want, for them to be happy...even if it caused my happiness.

I got out of the shower, dried off, brushed my teeth, then put on my pj's and off i was to bed. I got comfortable under the covers before i grabbed my phone to check for any messages. And sure enough, i had one from Stiles.

"Hey Y/N/N, i just wanted to check in and make sure you got home safely❣"

                         "Hey Stiles. Yea i'm home safe, thanks for checking in🙂"

"I'm glad you're safe. So whatcha doin rn?"
                                "About to go to sleep, wbu?"

"Just thinking about a few things."

                                                "A few things like?"

"Like us. About the kiss and how amazing it was, about how i wanna kiss you again. And i'm thinking about what we are."

                                           "Stiles, the kiss was absolutely amazing, all three of them were actually, but i don't think it should happen again. And i don't think we should be anything more than friends."

"Wait i'm confused rn. First you kissed me, then you said you liked me and kissed me again, twice! And now you're saying that it shouldn't happen again and that we should stay friends?"

                              "Ik how it sounds and how it looks okay, but i did mean it when i said i liked you, i've had a crush on you for three years now, but i don't think we should be anything more than friends untill you're 100% sure you're over Lydia."

"You've had a crush on me for three years?"

                                "Is that seriously all you got from that text?!"

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz