Eruption 4 - Weapon Time

Start from the beginning

Izzy: "Ya really look hot in it though."

Onyx: "Erm...thank you/"

Izzy: "So ya here for a weapon?"

She reached into her pockets and gave Bronya a lolipop then unwrapped her own to stick in her mouth and gestured him to follow her. He did with Mira and Bronya pursuing the two as well until they got to a room which had different weapons lined on the walls, melee being on one side while the other side had ranged weapons. 

Izzy: "Welcome to the armoury! What ya need is what we got! So what ya need good lookin'?"

Bronya slightly glared at Izzy before latching onto Onyx's arm much to his confusion and Mira's slight jealously.

Onyx: "Well I'd like a melee weapon since I specialize in Honkai Manipulation for close combat."

Izzy: "Hmm... ya already fought in the suit right?"

Bronya: "Subject Onyx fought against the simulation very well with no weapon."

He nodded in response before a smirk plastered the young genius' lips.

Izzy: "Ya don't mind doing a practical demonstration do ya? Ya won't fight anything."

Onyx: "Sure, I guess."

She and Mira disappeared behind some of the weapons before pulling back out what seemed to be a punching machine.

Onyx: "So you want me to hit this hoe?"

Izzy: "Yep with a honkai energy boost to it."

Onyx looked to Bronya and jerked his arm slightly, understanding she peeled herself of his arm. The teen got in front of the machine and drew his right fist back and began pumping honkai energy into it visible by the red energy swirling around it. 

Onyx: "Nuclear..."

He stomped his left foot forward and twisted his hips in motion with his punch The red energy on his fist brightening. His fist went into the cushion of the machine that received the punch then a split second later a red explosion fired off from the impact.

Onyx: "Punch!"

The machine was now reduced to unusable as a hole was blown through it shocking Mira and Izzy while Bronya kept her neutral face. Izzy went over to the machine and started examining the damage done to it.

Mira: "Woah, I didn't think honkai energy manipulation would be applied in such a way!"

Izzy: "No kidding... this like something out of an anime...."

Onyx: "You do realise we are in a school to train and fight against somewhat magical beasts?"

Izzy: "Touche."

Izzy was still looking at the damage and pulled out a device of some kind and scanned over it.

Izzy: "How d'ya feel after that punch?"

Onyx: "I feel fine just a little rebound."

Bronya: "Bronya can confirm there is only low levels of corruption in subject Onyx's body- update, the corruption is quickly diminishing."

Izzy walked up to Onyx with a thinking face without realising the distance between the two was becoming more and more scarce. Seeing that he was slowly becoming more uncomfortable with it Bronya pulled him back slightly jerking Izzy back.

Izzy: "What ya call that again the Nuclear Punch?"

Onyx: "Yep just a honkai powered punch."

Izzy: "Cultured. Anyways ya say it's simply a honkai powered punch but it's much more than that hottie."

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