Chapter 24- Ghostfreaked Out

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"And this is our science lab." "An electron microscope!" Gwen said, excitedly. Ben and I were looking at different beakers when we heard the voice again, "Let me out!" "Leave us alone!" Ben said, throwing the beaker. "That's my cousin, always joking," Gwen said. Suddenly, more beakers went off and exploded. "Ben, what are you doing?" Max asked. "Max, Ben didn't do anything. It was Ghostfreak," I explained.


Then the sprinklers went off, soaking Tiffany; which was hilarious. "This is not going to look good on your application. Bancroft is a no-freak zone," Tiffany said. "At least Gwen has a personality. You lack one!" I said, infuriated. "I am so sorry about my cousin. Actually, we're not really even related. I think his parents found him at a zoo or something," Gwen said. "Gwen, I am so going to get you for that comment!" I thought.


"At B.A., it is as important who you are as what you've done. You know, if you're a person from a quality family." "Benjamin Tennyson, I'm going to..." Gwen didn't finish speaking because we heard glass breaking. "Paige and I better check that out. Come on, princess," Ben said as he pulled me away. We looked and saw that a trophy case was smashed. Then we heard laughing in the gym.


"You again! We said as Ben and I saw the circus freaks. "It's those kids who took down Zambozo," Thumbskull said. "That was a sweet gig working for that clown and you two ruined it! Now it's payback time." "A little Heatblast action should light a fire under you freaks," He said as he activated the Omnitrix. But instead of Heatblast, Ben transformed into Ghostfreak.


"Ghostfreak, I didn't pick you," Ben said. "Nice trick, kid." Then Thumbskull lifted up the bleachers and threw them at Ben. Then Acid Breath sprayed acid on him. "We ain't scared of no ghosts," The freaks said, laughing. "You should be," Ben said. "Wait a minute. Something's wrong. That's not Ben's voice!" I thought, frightened. "It's those circus freaks!" Max said as he and Gwen showed up.


"Max! Gwen! Something's wrong! This isn't Ben!" I said, freaked out. "You're right, Paige. Something is wrong. I've never seen Ben so vicious," Max said. I ran to him to see what was wrong. "Ben! Ben! Benji, answer me!" I pleaded. "Sorry, sweetheart. Your beloved Ben isn't here. I guess they guess they didn't learn their lesson," Ghostfreak said. "I'm going after him!" I said, determined. "Please be careful," Max and Gwen said.


I found him in the corridor from earlier. "Benji, are you OK?" I asked, hugging him. "Yeah, princess. I'm OK but I'm glad to be rid of that freak," He said. "And I thought we were close. So nice to finally meet you face to face," Ghostfreak said. "This can't be happening. You can't be you! I'm you!" Ben said. "I was never you. An Ectonurite's consciousness exists... even in a few strands of DNA. When the sample was taken for the Omnitrix... I was trapped inside. But now, I can reveal my true self," Ghostfreak said.


I knew that something bad was going to happen. So I silently preformed a protection spell on Ben so nothing could happen to him. Then Ghostfreak transformed. "Ew! He's so ugly!" I thought. Ben pushed me behind him as this was happening. "And I thought you were ugly before. What do you want?" Ben asked. "I need the power of the Omnitrix to make me whole again. I can only do that by taking over your body. Now, let's see how you like... being trapped inside someone else," He said as he reached for Ben.

Two Halfs, One Heartحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن