Chapter 18: Capture The Flag

Depuis le début

"So whats the plan?" Four asked all around the group.

"Wait aren't  you the leader?" someone questioned.

"Yeah shouldn't  you have the plan?" Someone else stated.

"Im just here to help and supervise you guys are the ones who are suppose to come up with the plans and lead your team. Work together and lead us to victory." He explained.

Everyone started thinking of strategies, but it soon turned messy.

"We need to focus on protecting our own flag, so we can go on the offense ."

"No! we need to take action first, so we need to go on the defense."

"If we split it in half we could active both."

"No. that leaves us vulnerable to the enemy."

They all started arguing about what should happen and why there idea is better and everyone should listen to them. I was starting to get annoyed; I was woken up for this? Then I started thinking about Erics face when he would lose. He really doesn't   like to admit defeat and victory will be so sweet.

With all this arguing the other team is probably now out looking for us and we're wasting time.

"Shut up." I told everyone in a clipped tone

They all went silent and looked straight to the ground.

"First we need to hid our flag. So..." I look around for a spot. "There; we will hid it in that tree right there." Everyone turned to the tree I was pointing to. Looking at a big pine tree. They all look back at me mortified with the idea.

"A tree? Thats your bright idea. Thats the stupidest thing I have ever heard." A dauntless born told me.

"And thats exactly why it will work. Who would assume we would be dumb enough to hid our flag in the tree, and It has great coverage so you could barely see it glow." I walk up to them and rip the flag out of there hands. I then climb and place it in the tree.

"see ! cant even see it. Now that thats out of the way we can move on. We need to find were Erics team is hiding they are somewhere north so we will head that way. Three of you will stay with the flag. Make sure you hide yourselves away and don't do anything to draw attention to this tree. The rest of us are going to go find Erics team. When we get close we will split into two different groups. One will be the distraction while the other group goes around to sneak  in to retrieve the flag. Now let's s move out." Everyone hesitated for a second but as I turn to head north Four starts to follow making everyone else follow as well.

They quickly decided who the three where to stay behind then we made our way. The closer we got to the north the closer a tall building came into view. It was a tall bell tower and looking at it from afar you could see the light glow of a flag up top. Turning to the group to tell them the whole plan.

"Alright, up in the bell tower I can see there flag so we are going to split into our groups here. Four take group one and create  a distraction  to cover us as we go around the side and make it through the building. After we get into the building we will split again to cover the rest so you can make it to the tower safely. Any questions?"

Silence followed telling me they were ready. With a look of determination set in there eyes we started with the plan.

Four team moved in first as my team slowly made there way around the outskirts. We waited until we started to hear commotion. With the sound of shouting and gun fire that was our signal to move. Swiftly we made our way around the building and inside without any problems. Now that we are inside the building part two of the plan started.

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