匚卄卂卩ㄒ乇尺 14

Start from the beginning

It got stuck on the bottle-

Sky daddy why-

She glared, this time willing every power, even trying to communicate with whatever deity that was around to grand her a one-second power to move the drinks-

"Oh? Dae-ssi!"

She turned to the man, and he seemed taken aback.

He looked at her and to the vending machine, noticing the stuck drinks.

"Oh... oh no. Yeah, this machine has problems. Sometimes."

Dae looked away from Namjoon and back to the drink. She let out a long sigh.

Gone... is her money.

Gone... is her will to live.

Namjoon came forward and hit the side of the machine, trying to get it to budge.

Why did I not think of that before-

"Hey uh... I can try helping? You know... with my uh..."

He made jazz hands, and Dae oh-ed.

"It's fine, Namjoon-ssi. I'll do it. Oh-"

She pulled out the pendrive and handed it over to the man.

"Ah... I see it's done. Thanks."

Dae shrugged and turned back to the machine.


She turned back to him.

"We're actually uh... you're joining us for the In the Soop filming, right?"

She nodded.

"Oh cool! You see, some of us are playing games now-"


"And the young ones are practising Halli Galli now."


"Yea. They apparently want to beat the Ultimate Halli Galli Master, Kim Seokjin himself."

"I... see..."

"Yeah. You wanna join?"

Ahahahahahaha no.

She supposes her quietness answered for him.

"Is that a no? Don't worry, we won't be using any of our quirks, to make it fair. What do you say? A little game? It will be a good bonding moment."

Dae you weak bitch-

She watched how his heterochromatic eyes sparkled.

If you ask me with puppy eyes how- hOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO SAY NO-

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