Questions :D

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I'm sorry, I'm kinda busy these days so I have no time to write a chapter. Tomorrow is the last day of school, so I might get time, the thing is that I draw arts for MineCraft for free an I got like 3 commissions waiting out there XD.

Here I just want to ask you some questions, and maybe get some questions about myself back ;) Happy April fools day btw, I don't like it because I can't make up funny pranks or jokes(

~Questions for You~

1. What is your favorite animal?

2. Do you like or dislike April fools day?

3. What is your favorite MC YouTubers ship?

4. Do you like smut or not?

5. What languages do you speak?

6. Favorite color?

7. Favorite video game?

8. Favorite YouTuber?

9. Do you like the story so far? If yes, what exactly do you like?

10. What is your hair color (at this moment) ?

That's it! I can never say thank you too much, so thank you! :)


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