Chapter 4: Hospital

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Bodil's POV

My body lifted up with the speed of sound. I was sitting on an unfamiliar couch, panting and breathing heavily. I swap the cold sweat away from my forehead with the sleeve of my jacket. "Was it just a nightmare?" - I looked around only to see more unfamiliar things.

A book shelf with a lot of folders. A small coffee table next to the couch with a cop of hot, steaming tea on it. A build in comfortable kitchen, one more table with a computer on it. A person in white clothes sits at the chair staring into the screen. "Where the hell am I?"

- Hello. - I said to get the persons attention. He flinched but turned around on his chair.

- Oh, you're finally awake, - he places one of his dark brown curls behind his ear and continues.

- My name is Dr.Sky, but call me Adam, - he points to his chest and I notice a badge that says "Dr.Sky" on it.

- Nice to meet you, Adam! My name is Martin, but friends call me Bodil, - I wasn't sure if I can trust him yet or not, but he seemed like a good person so far.

- I guess you have some questions? - he smiled and I returned into reality.

- Where am I? Where is Simon, and is he ok? - he spilled out words looking worriedly at Adam.

- Predictable questions. - he chuckled. - I understand you though. - he glanced me right in the eyes. I could not resist looking away from this rouch, chocolate with gold look. - You are in my office, in the hospital. I decided to let you rest and then see your friend since you looked very worried and then passed out. - I signed. "So we are in the hospital." - Your friend is in room 349, which is down the corridor, still uncontious. He must wake up tomorrow around 01:00 PM. That's it. You can visit him right now, and stay for the night, in case of emergency call me.

Happy with that I nodded shaking his hand. I walked out of the room, trowing a fast look on the clock next to the door. it was 10 PM already, and it was very quiet since all the patients were sleeping. Turning around I started to look for Simons room. It was dark so I got my phone and used it to light up the door numbers. 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348...

Finally I stood in front of the door I needed. Taking a deep breath I turned the knob.

A dark room welcomed me. I could tell the walls were light blue, there was a nightstand next to the bed with two shells in it.

A green, unknown flower stood lonely in the corner of the room, on a chair. I took the plant, which was heavy, and placed it on the floor, moving the chair closer to the bed, sitting down.

He looked so peaceful, even with all of these machines connected to him. I took his cold hand and looked at the cloth wrapped around it. I looked down at my gold shirt remembering something and let out a gasp. It was cowered in his dried up blood.

My eyelids felt heavy but I shook it away taking my phone out again. I called Carry and heard her sleepy voice on the other side. We talked for a hour straight, I finally calmed down.

I was tired, so I laid my head on Simons chest, still sitting on the chair. My hand still didn't leave his.

"Good night, Simon."

A/N: I know this chapter is boring, ok?! The next one is ready, I just have to type it. It will be fun, I promise :3


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