Chapter 7: We have to be strong

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Simons POV (short)

I'm lying on my bed motionless for more than a couple of hours for sure now. "What have I done? There's no doubt he hates me now!"

Don't even ask me how I got back home. I ran away through the back door as soon as realized that I did the biggest mistake of my life.

I curled up into a ball remembering the feelings I ran away with. Fear, madness, guiltiness. "Fuck, fuck, fuck..." Too much tears I had during this week, my head just blows up. But they were simply unstoppable, they floated and floated. My sobs echoed from the walls, my body shakes from the bottom to the top.

There is a couple of ways for me to feel what they felt and... And forgive myself...

I looked up even though it was hard to see and I had no will to. My mirror. Someone cleared everything up a bit but two sharp pieces still lied on the floor.

I took the bigger one.


A message? Should I even bother to read it? I reached my hand and took the phone. "Martin!" His name lit up on the screen. I scrolled down our past conversations and found the new message.

A gasp escaped my mouth, tears spilled out of my eyes with new power and I fell onto the floor in shock and pure terror after reading it.

"Oh no... What have I done? What have I done? What have I done?"

I kept mumbling that question to myself clearly hearing my mind giving a huge crack. It just kept on going out, again and again, until finally, I cried myself to sleep.

Bodils POV

I ran out of the room after my girlfriend. "I can't believe, did he really just do that? How long did he hold that all in?"

Carry disappeared behind the front door shutting it on her way. I quickly opened it and ran out. I seem to forget that I have a voice till now.

- Carry please wait! It's not what you think i... - A loud noise and my own scream cut me off, - NOOOOO!!! NO PLEASE!!! - I ran towards the body that lied in the middle of the road in front of the house.

Crying like a little kid I fell to my knees and took her hand in mine preying for help.

Fortunately a guy that seems my age ran up to me and her. I heard him try to say something but my eyes were only on her. I listened to my own, loud as hell, heartbeat.

- Excuse me! Hello? Are you ok, dude? - he waved his hand in front of my face and I looked up at him. He took my hand and pulled me up. Of course I wanted to stay with Carry but for some reason I just let this guy do what he wants. I heard the noises of Ambulance and Police cars.

The guy sat me down next to my house on the grass and kneeled down in from of me.

- What is your name? - he asked and smiled. He ran his hand through his strawberry blond hair. It seems like he really wanted to comfort me but didn't really know how... Anyway, a person trying to help, even if I didn't know them, helped.

- M-Martin... - I sobbed. he placed a hand on my shoulder sitting next to me onto the floor.

- My name is Felix, - he gave me a napkin from his pocket and I gladly accepted it since I needed to wipe my red face off with something.

The sun that only started glancing at us a couple of minutes ago was painting the sky bright orange. Some clouds covered it and a light raindrops fell on me. It looked like the sky was crying with me.

He did a good job in getting my appention, but suddenly legs blocked my vision. I looked up and stood, Felix copied me right after. Adam or Dr.Sky tightly hugged me not giving me a chance to look behind him.

- I'm so sorry Bodil... - I couldn't hold in tears any longer. I knew it. I knew she was dead. I believed that I was strong enough to handle everything that life has for me, but this time, it was very hard.

I knew she can't come back. I knew I'll never see her again, never hear her voice.

He is gonna pay, whoever did this. There must be someone, and I'll find him.

I snapped out of thoughts as I felt one more pair of hands hugging me and Adam. Of course it was Felix. I couldn't believe how much I trust people I have only just met.

- Thank you... - I whispered and they just hugged me tighter. I didn't mind.

"Thank you so much..."


A/N: I decided to put some GamingFelix in there 'cause he is a really nice dood, go check him out. The next chapter will be THE MOST IMPORTANT in the story, that basically the idea from which everything started. And also it will be the last chapter BEFORE the Prologue thing, so you will finally know what happened. Any guesses? Comment :)


One Step To Cross (Simdil40/Simdil90 FF)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz