New Town Arrival

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Molly huffed from her spot in the back of the Impala. "Why do I have to go to school here while you two get to hunt?"

Dean glanced back at her. "'Cause I said so."

"That's a stupid reason."

Sam turned to her and smiled lightly. "This will be good for you, Molly. Make some friends and get a good education."

"God, you sound like a professor."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"No. It's a very, very bad boring thing. Please, can't I join you guys?"

"Get out," Dean told her. "We'll check on you periodically. Call us every day and be nice. I mean it, Molly."

"Сука," she muttered.

Dean frowned. "Did you-" He turned to Sam. "Did she just call me a bitch?"

Sam nodded. "In Russian."

He turned back to Molly. "You learned Russian just to be able to curse? I'm impressed. But don't call me a bitch again."

Molly shrugged. "I know a little in a lot of languages. Mostly cursing, so have fun figuring out what I say. I guess I'll get my stuff since you're leaving me stranded here."

"You're not stranded. The Argents should be arriving in town shortly. You'll be staying with them. They've got a girl about your age."

"Oh goody. A friend already." She got out and grabbed her stuff. "Catch you on the flip side."

Molly waved to her brothers and as she was making her way to the sheriff station, a logical place to ask for directions in her mind, squad cars sped past her with lights and sirens.

She did a 360 and frowned. "What the hell?"

A blue Jeep appeared next to her and the boy inside frowned. "Who are you?"

"Molly. Molly Winchester. What's going on? Is that normal in a small town?"

The boy smiled. "They found a body in the woods. Or at least half of one. I'm going to pick up my friend. Are you up for an adventure, Molly?"

Molly glanced back to see the Impala nowhere in sight and nodded. "Sure. But first things first. I don't ride with strangers. What's your name?"

"Stiles. Stiles Stilinski."

"Stiles? That's an odd name."

"It's more of a nickname really. Your last name is literally a gun brand, so you're one to talk."

"Are you always this rude?"

"No, but there's always a first time for everything, right? Are you coming?"

"Yeah." Molly put her stuff in the back and climbed in. "Can I sit shotgun?"

"Nope. That's my best friend's seat."

"Your friend isn't here."

"He will be soon."

Molly rolled her eyes and slouched back in her seat as she muttered, "This is gonna be a fun night."

Stiles, who'd overheard her, said, "Hell yeah it will be."

He drove off and Molly looked out the window to see what sights the town had to offer. Being honest, she wasn't very impressed.

But maybe that would all change.

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