Chapter 14 - Kira & Ingra

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"Up! Up!" Saiken shouts at me from the top of a building. I'm almost there to the very top..

It took me a few tries to cross the street, but my newfound speed won't help me with climbing a building that reaches the clouds. I fell a few times and it was scary, but I stand up unscathed. It's not possible to get hurt at all so death isn't a worry.

I can only die if I panic too much. A panic attack will be bad, but should it get any worse then a heart attack will end my life. I've learned to meditate on the go and keep my focus up. I'm not afraid anymore.

I just want to reach the finish line!

I can feel my hands gripping onto the ledge of the building. I finally pull myself up and climb over to safety- then laying down on my back to relieve myself from stress. I still have a long way to go, but I think I did fairly well.

"Whoaaa.." Paimon floats over me and smiles. "You are amazing Amber! Paimon was so worried that you'd never make it up here! There's hope for Lumine!"

"Yeah, of course Paimon!" I quickly stand up on my two feet, showing Paimon that I can still keep going, I can keep training and become much stronger! "I will save Lumine no matter what. It's been what? Five days? The first day was crossing the street and it took me four days and hundreds of attempts to reach the top. That must be only five minutes in real time then?"

Saiken nods at me and he looks pleased. He then points at me or signals me to turn around. I follow his gesture and turn around to see the view of New York City from here. Despite it being night time I was still able to see thanks to the obscene amounts of light emitted from each buildings.

Now I get to see a full, wide view of night time New York city. There's no stars in the night sky, but the tall, skyscraper like buildings become the stars. Emitting many different coloured lights and all of them are close by to each other. No building is lonely and they all shine bright together- that's what makes nighttime so special.

Looking at the empty black sky with colourful buildings sprawled out everywhere- it certainly reminds me of some nights with Lumine. Mondstadt city always has candles and a few street lights on and it makes the city look more appealing during nighttime.

We both sat together on top of the cathedral and talked about many things. It was a sleepless night, but it was a night filled with love and adventure.

"Keep up the good work Amber. Don't you ever dare to give up, you hear me? Come on, let's get you to the next stage. You broke your limiter for burst of speed and stamina. Time for strength training."

"I'm ready Saiken!" I promise.. I will save Lumine. We'll eat dinner together again! We'll watch the sunrise together! I dash at Saiken to sucker punch him, but he dodges it by strafing to the side.

He trips me in the process so I fall face first. Defeating him didn't work out, but I am definitely faster now! I dashed at Saiken in mere seconds!

"You are passing with flying colours, Amber. You learn and improve faster compared to me. It took me two years worth of training in the domain to be as good as I am. Still.. I have much to improve. Once you break your strength limiter than you're all good to go to the next trial where Ingra will train you. The core basic fundamentals to surpass your limit is to become faster, stronger, and having high core stamina."

"Okay then! What's the strength trial? What do I have to do?!"

"We arm wrestle."

"Alright! Bring it on- huh?!"

"Hahah I'm just joking Amber. Kira, lead the way please. Kira.."

"Mmm~ takoyaki. Ahh I can eat this forever. It's a shame that you humans have no sense of anything in this domain. I can taste an infinite amount of takoyaki~!"

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