Chapter 11 - Unknown Domain

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How long has it been since I last visited Amber's house? Also.. they have such a nice front yard! These flowers are absolutely gorgeous for what they have and can have.

There's hardly any grass in the city so I see a lot of decorated vases and amazing looking flowers. Amber's house is no different and has an amazing front yard or whatever it is.

I.. hardly have anything. Maybe a drawing of Honoka and that's it..

Anyways.. It's been what? Three weeks since the wind festival? Man.. I've been working for three weeks straight by now and I'm not even serving under Amber anymore.

I'm still apart of the outriders and I still am partnered with Wagner for Blacksmithing right, but I have my own.. well- duties now. I don't follow Amber around anymore and she just barks orders, I obey them, complete my daily missions and what not.

Despite my effort of discovering new ways to manipulate elements without a vision.. I'm the only knight who utilize slimes due to my control of any element I decide to use for an infusion.

Gerald almost lost his arm when he infused a pyro slime with his sword. It was the correct ratio and his sword was brightly on fire and in control, but as soon as he assumed into combat uhhh it basically created an explosion.

Which.. happens to me, but it seems that I'm more durable and skilled to handle elemental infusion. My physical strength is greater than a mitachurl so if a knights can't wrestle a mitachurl then they physically can't control and handle elemental infusion.

Knights who can overpower mitachurls already have a vision so they don't resort to using slimes. The few top elite knights who don't have visions, but can overpower mitachurls have their heads so far up their ass they refuse to use slimes for combat. They're prideful that they're strong enough without visions and train harder!

They just.. swing their sword harder and that's it! Like ok? You do you I guess. So it's just me utilizing slimes! Anyways.. I'm lost in my own thoughts.

I have these snapdragon flowers for Amber because she's sick and apparently a combination of mixed flowers and herbs can help treat her sickness.

Their house has changed.. a lot. There's a very romantic photo and it's gigantic! Oh my god they are gorgeous and the background scenery is just breathtaking.

A lot more flower vases with a banquet of colours just sprinkles the interior with joy and flavour. By flavour I mean colour because it rhymes.

"Morning Saiken. Sorry to bother you so early." Lumine greets me with a bag of mora and gets straight to the point of business.

I think she wants me to leave right away. That and to have Amber narrate.

"No worries and thank you for.. mora." A bag of mora for a couple of snapdragons. Without saying much more I kinda just leave. Amber is ill and Lumine is taking care of her so I shouldn't bother em.

Get my day started and go on with my duties. Strange.. why am I the one to be narrating? No way it's ending so soon is it?


It hasn't switched to Amber yet so I have plenty to go through I believe? Let it end soon..

Marching my way out the Amber household and I only said that because I don't know her last name. I'm supposed to meet up with the acting grand master because she'll be the one giving me orders since Amber is ill.

I really cannot wait for my day off. I'm so tired nowadays. Has working been this tiring? Beating up monsters and walking around the city to patrol sure does sound.. easy, but I just feel tired. Am I mentally drained? Already?

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