He downed the rest of his water and rolled his eyes. "Okay, smartass. What do you want to tell me?"

"Watch your mouth, Reid. You're in my office," he teased. "Also, you know the rules. Have a seat."

After tossing his empty cup in the garbage can, he took a seat across from his desk and gestured to the cards. "Alright, go for it."

"Ask a question. Open-ended."

"Uh..." he hesitated before asking the first thing that came to his mind. "What's in store for me these next few months?"

He already knew the answer. Power. Revenge. Taking over Kunross and watching it burn. He was excited just thinking about it.

Luca whistled a small tune as he shuffled the deck, drew a few cards and stared at them. Simon told himself that he would take time to learn tarot so he could understand what the cards mean, but he hadn't gotten around to it yet.

An amused and excited smile appeared on his friend's face. "Oh my."

"What?" Please don't be something disastrous like death or sickness or something.

"A new energy is approaching your life and it's approaching very quickly," his smile turned to a grin. "This should be fun."

"May I have an idea of what this energy is like?"

"I was hoping you'd ask that," he said before turning over a few more cards, and the office was quiet again as he studied them.

A new energy? Could it be a friend, or is it another enemy?" he thought to himself, already making a note to keep his guard up.

"Okay," Luca started, not taking his eyes off of the cards. "Seems like it's possible that they're a bit more on the stubborn side. Guarded, maybe even fractured, likes a little bit of trouble."

Enemy. Definitely an enemy.

Simon gave his friend a small smile. "Thanks for that. Now I'm prepared."

"You're not done yet. Don't try and run off too soon."

"I wasn't even leaving-"

"It's possible that they're testy," he said as he looked up. "But that should be fine, given the fact that you're also testy."

"I have enough enemies as it is."

There was a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Who said anything about them being an enemy?"

"Stubborn, guarded, likes trouble and they're testy? Definitely sounds like someone I should stay away from."

"Mhm. Sure."

"...What else does it say?"

"Nothing." Luca looked like he was trying to bite back a grin.

Simon crossed his arms. "Look, man, if you know something-"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Yes, you do. You're smiling!"

"Because your reactions when I give you readings are always the most hilarious."

He groaned. "Now you're just being rude."

"Anyway, were you able to find who caused the shift?"

Right. That. He pulled out his phone and double-checked some messages. "After I confirmed with Sierra that it happened, I asked Adrienne to report right away if her spies see any signs of new powers in the city. We're all keeping our eyes peeled."

"How powerful do you think they are?"

"Powerful," he answered as he shoved his phone back into his pocket. "Because the only ones who caused a shift that strong were me and... him."

Luca nodded as he put his deck away, then rested back in his chair. "Might be the person who knocked out those buildings."

Simon stiffened. It made sense. If that's the case, then he'd have to put this new person on his radar, even though he already had so much going on. The last thing he needed was someone getting in the way of his plans.

"Keyword there: Might. Don't look so scared," he scoffed. "Besides, this person just got their powers. They would need training. Tons of it."

"You have a point. I mean, I'm still training." He didn't mind it though. When his powers returned, the first thing he did was go to a spot where he could use his flames without drawing attention to himself. He laughed the entire time as he felt the heat course through his body. It felt good to be himself again.

"Until then, we move forward, right?"

"We move forward. Weren't you here until three in the morning? You should be sleeping."

He rolled his eyes. "I swear if it's not Adrienne, it's you. I'll be out of here soon, I swear."

"You better be," Simon laughed as he stood up and got ready to leave. "I'll see you later."

"See you."

As he left his office and walked down the quiet hallways, his mind circled back to the reading he gave him.

A new energy and a huge shift like that? Definitely not a coincidence. 

Autumn & Winter (A Villains & Monsters Novella)Where stories live. Discover now