Moments| Sarissa

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Clarissa was bent over pulling stuff from one of the many cardboard boxes when arms suddenly circled her waist and she was lifted off the ground.
"Sam!" She yelled, knowing only he would do that to her.
"Clarissa!" Sam mocked her tone, setting her on the ground, and kissed her cheek.
They were supposed to be unpacking the boxes that swarmed their new house in Italy. But clearly, that wasn't happening.
"Sam help me unpack," She groaned.
Ignoring her request, he grabbed her hand, and pulled her into the empty living area, "Dance with me love,"
"But there's no music,"
He pulled her closer, his hands on her waist and her hands resting on his chest.
"We don't need music," He said with a smile.
She looked at him for a long moment, "But we have to unpack." She insisted.
"Forget about the boxes, they aren't going anywhere."
She sighed, "Alright."
Sam smiled and rested his hands on her waist as Clarissa wrapped her arms around his neck. And they began to dance slowly, no even really dancing just swaying back and forth. But that didn't matter. What mattered is that they were with each other, enjoying each other's company. He wished he could spend all day like this, Clarissa in his arms as they start of their new life together was still in boxes. But not all of it was in those boxes, the important things were right there. Life isn't materialistic things, it's the moments you share with other people. And right now, life was pure bliss.

Sarissa Song of the Chapter ~ Simple As This, Jake Bugg

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