I Don't Love You| Clavan

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"I can't do it anymore Evan, I'm sorry." Clarissa's pained voice sounded as she lugged her bag down the long hall, Evan hot on her heels.
"What do you mean? What did I do?" He sounded so broken that anyone who heard, their heart would shatter into millions of pieces.
She sighed but never stopped walking, some chocolate strands falling from her ponytail. Even though it was up, the ends of her hair still reached just above her shoulder blades.
"Because there are better things for me Evan out there, I can be cooped up here constantly."
"I'll take you anywhere, just please-don't leave." His tone was desperate, begging for his love not to leave him.
"No Evan. I don't want this. And I don't want you."
Evan's heart cracked, those words felt like a bullet to his chest coming from those lips he use to kiss everyday, the ones that said she loved him and wouldn't leave. But here she was now, breaking his heart and running off, leaving him broken.
He stumbled back, taken aback be her harsh words, "You don't mean that." His crystal eyes welling up with tears.
"I do." And with that, she disappeared out of the palace door and into the pitch blackness of the night, no stars were out tonight to break the dreaded dark.
Tears slipped down his face one by one, pain ripping through him. He had been abandoned once again in his life, once again he had been promised not to be left but look at where that led him.
A loud bang rang throughout the castle grounds, Evan recognized it as a gunshot. His face paled as he rushed hastily towards the door, the noises of guards reacting and awakening royals filled the corridors. He pushed passed guards to get out the grand doors and spotted her on the ground. Sprinting towards where Clarissa laid, Evan kneeled down beside her, searching for the wound. Her once burnt orange shirt was now flooded with a ghastly crimson from being soaked with her blood. He spotted the tear in her shirt which was located in the center of her chest, blood pouring from the wound and pooling in the gravel beneath them.
He tried to pick her up to get her to the infirmary put only succeeded on getting a cry of pain. Evan frantically searched her eyes he had gazed into many times before, he saw the life draining from them.
"Clarissa, no. You have to stay." He cried, putting pressure on the wound in hopes of it helping.
Her lips parted to speak but in that moment, she stilled and her eyes glazed over. Clarissa was gone.

Evan woke with a start, sitting up quickly in bed, his eyes searching the dark room. They finally landed on the figure facing away from him, he managed to make out her brunette hair splayed across a pillow, and the sound of her soft breathing. At this point, he had no idea what to believe anymore but he hoped it was her.

Clavan Song of the Chapter ~ Glitter In the Air, P!nk

A Collection of SelectionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora