Rebels| Karlex

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The only things swirling through Alex's mind was the sound of glass shattering, gunshots, screaming, and the thought of finding Karma. She had been ripped out of his arms somewhere during the mix of chaos and into the mix of terrified people running for safety. If she were here with him currently she'd make some joke to try to keep the atmosphere as relaxed as possible, she always seemed to be able to keep her cool with these. He remembered his selection and the first rebel attack where she wasn't worried about dying and crying like some of the other girls, she was worried about the cupcakes they had made earlier going bad.
Alex pushed his was desperately through the crowd in search of his wife, guards yelling to get to the safe room, but he wouldn't without her. The number of people swarming the throne room had dramatically decreased causing him to finally spot her, but not on the way he would've liked. A rebel's hand twisted in her dark hair, keeping her head still, and a handgun pressed to her temple. She had lost her glasses somewhere in the ruckus since they weren't on her face but it didn't seem to affect her. Karma kept her eyes forward as they glistened an emerald under the dim lighting. Some of the chandeliers had fallen and shattered, decorating the marble flooring with tiny glittering pieces.
"Karma!" Alex called and rushed towards them but stopped at the sound of the cocking of a gun.
Her eyes turned towards him, she was standing but the man that had a hold of her was still much taller than her.
The scraggly rebel gave him a wicked smirk as he had the most genius idea in play.
Karma mouthed three words to him before the sound of a gunshot rang through the throne room. She dropped to the floor, dead in an instant. Alex ignored the fact that the rebel was still standing there and rushed towards where she was. Gathering her limp body into his arms, he begged for her not to be dead, to come back to him. She was dead and there was no coming back. Alex would never see her smile or hear her laugh. She would never prank him and leave lipsticks marks on his face again. She would forever be the corpse of his wife that the rebel so rudely slaughtered in front of him. Her lips still shaped her last words. "I love you."
The cocking of a gun sounded again and Alex looked straight into the barrel of the same gun that had just killed karma.

Karlex Song of the Chapter ~ Never Let Me Go, Florence + The Machine

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