"So you wanted to hurt me?" I look him in his eyes. "Yes and no, I just wanted you to understand how I felt Savannah," he said. I could see the hurt in his eyes. "I hurt you like that?" I ask him and he nods pulling me close. "Savannah, there is no one else I want to be with. The thought of losing you make me hurt more than you could even understand. It felt like you didn't care how I felt and I just couldn't handle it," he said honestly.

"I'm sorry. I should've been more considerate. I didn't see it that way because I thought you knew that there was no one else that I'd rather be with than you. I love you just as much as you love me. Even with Meech in my life, you are the love of my life," I say to him. "I should've trusted you more," he looks me in my eyes. "I'm sorry I made you doubt my feelings for you."

"Are you going to come back home?" he asks me and I sigh a little. "I don't know Chris, even though you didn't sleep with her, your intentions were to sleep with her. How am I supposed to know the next time I hurt your feeling you're not going to do the same thing again?" I ask. He holds my head up and places a kiss on my lips.

"Because I am more than willing to do whatever it takes to keep you in my life. I don't want to be without you," he says. "Giving me half of the club is a good way to start. I can't wait to see what else you have in store Mr. Brown," I smirk. "Challenge accepted," he smirks back. "Let's go before they think we're in here fucking," I laugh.

"I wouldn't mind bending you over my desk," he says running his hand up and down my silhouette. "In your dreams," I laugh walking away. He pulls me back into him hugging me. I melted in his arms. "Don't worry baby I'ma fix this," he kisses my forehead. I hold out my pinky and he links his with mine.

"Let's go," he says guiding me back to VIP. The girls were taking more shots as Ken was twerking on London as she slaps her ass. "Don't have fun without me," I walk over to them and start twerking on London. "Girl we thought you were having sex with Chris," she said laughing and I smack her arm. "No girl but he did make me his business partner. I own half of the club," I tell them. "That's big dick energy!" yells high fiving me. "Girl and he admitted that he didn't sleep with that stripper bitch too. He wanted me to feel how I made him feel," I tell them.

"Niggas are so stupid," London rolls her eyes. "Retarted," I laugh. "So does this mean you are getting back with him?" Kennedy asks as we continue to dance while the boys smoked watching us. "Nope," I said popping the P. Kennedy and London look back at each other. "Girl what? Are you really thinking about dating Meech?" Kennedy asks. "Girl you are being way too loud. And no that would make life a little too complicated. Chris is the only man for me but I want to see what else he has up his sleeve," I explain.

"Smart cookie," London says. "Oh no," Kennedy says covering her mouth. London and I look over in her direction and see Trey dapping up the boys. "You good?" I turn to London. She didn't seem the slightest bit phased by his appearance. "I'm fine," she shrugs. Trey walks over to us and hugs both Ken and me. "Hey Lon," he smiles at her. "What's up," she gives him a polite smile. "Can we talk?" he asks her. "No thank you," she says. "I'm sorry," he said to her. "I accept your apology," she says to him. "You do?" he smiles. "Yes, but what we had is completely over. When you see me walk past me. No, we can't be friends or anything else for that matter. Now you can walk away and go hang out with the boys," she says dismissing him leaving all of us shocked.

"Wow," he said nodding his head and walking away. "Girl you're really over him," I said hugging her. "Once you date someone who gives you the world without having to ask for it you couldn't dream of going back to the past," she says. I understood where she was coming from. "Happy for you," Ken kisses her cheek. "When are we going back to the A?" Ken asks me. "I was thinking next week," I tell her. "Okay," she says and we take more shots.

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