There was a silence after that. "Kids deserve to have parents but not all parents deserve to have kids" I said breaking the silence. Once again there was a silence but this time it was Issey who broke it. "How are you and Izana?" Genuinely asked Issey. "Huh. What do you mean 'me and Izana'?" "Are you two not a thing?" "Huh? Where the hell did you get that?!" "What? I though you two were dating cause of what I saw yesterday in the kitchen" "What do you mean by 'what I saw yesterday in the Kitchen'?" "I saw Izana pinning you against the wall when I walked in. I didn't want to disturb your moment so I waited outside" explained Issey. When I finally realised what he was talking about i felt my cheeks flaring up. "I-IT'S NOT WH-WHAT YOU THINK!" I yelled "H-HE WAS J-JUST GETTING SO-SOMETHING OUT OF MY H-HAIR!". "Really. Oh well." shrugged Issey. I let out a sigh of relief as no more misunderstanding were made. "But the two of you would look cute together" bluntly commented Issey, making my cheeks one again flare up. "I-ISSEY!". He just chuckled in response to my flustered state. "But where are Izana and Hitto?" asked Issey. "N-no Idea" I stuttered whilst trying to calm myself down.

"You two looking for me?" asked a deep voice from behind. This startled me and caused me to jump up in surprise "AAAAHHH!" I yelled in fright. "Hahahaha" laughed the same voice. I turned around and saw Izana leaning against the tree for support whilst clutching his stomach in laughter. Hitoo just standing behind him trying hard no to laugh. "IZANA! DON'T DO THAT!" I scolded. "So-sorry" apologised Izana through his laughter. "Hmph" I pouted as I turned my head away in annoyance. "You can't lie though Hana. the way you screamed was hilarious." Reasoned a chuckling Issey. "Meanies" I muttered loud enough for the three guys to her but that only increased their laughter. I smiled at the sight of the three boys laughing. I really wish time would stop right now.

I was chilling in my room.

(Authors Note: This is what your room looks like in the orphanage)

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(Authors Note: This is what your room looks like in the orphanage)

I was rolling around on my bed bored. I layed down my stomach in defat and placed my chin on top of my crossed arms. "Maybe going on a walk would cure my boredom" I spoke to my self. Agreeing to my own Idea I got up and got changed.

(Authors Note: this your outfit)

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(Authors Note: this your outfit)

I let my Short Lavender Ombre hair down. There are more restrictions on what I can do with my hair now that I cut it short. I finished brushing my hair and exited my room with my phone and headphones in hand. I placed my phone in my pocket and hung my head phones on my neck.

I was walking down the streets and bobbing my head to the music whilst muttering the lyric of the song. However my little world was disturbed by a few loud grunts of pain. Curious I followed the sound and saw the same two boys that saved me on the ground. In front of them are bunch of high school delinquents. Tch. Are they seriously ganging up on a bunch of kids. "Hahaha. what a bunch of weaklings" Mocked on the guys. "You bastards" panted the guys with fangs. "What did you call us?!" Demanded Another one. He clenched his fist and swung his hand to pooch the guy in the head. Without a second thought, I ran over to the guys and jumped when I was a few feet away. I landed my right foot on the side of his head. I put all my weight on that foot and slightly pushed his face with my foot still on the side of his head. His body fell to the ground as I landed in front of the two boys.  "B-boss" called out one of the shocked delinquents. "YOU BITCH! JUST WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!" yelled another one. "What do you think your doing. ganging up and two  boys and beating them up" I shot back. I took not of the guys flinched when they noticed my eyes cold eyes yet furious eyes.  

"Why is it any of your business you bitch" spat one of the guys. "They're my brothers. That a good enough reason for ya" I responded back. "Wh-what" I heard a voice behind me mutter. I turned around and approached the two boys on the floor. I crouched down. With my left hand I grabbed the chin of the boy with black hair and fangs, whilst with my right hand I grabbed the chin of the boy with a tiger  tattoo on his neck and has sandy yellow eyes. "Are you two okay?" Asked trying to sound concerned. the two boys looked at me in confusion. "Play along" I whispered so only the two of them could hear. They both slightly nodded their head in response before the boy with a mole under is right eyes spoke "We're okay now that Nee-san is here" reassured the boy.  " I slightly flinched at the name he called me but quickly brushed it off. "And are you okay?" I asked the boy with fangs. "I'm all right too Nee-san" Replied the boy whilst looking away. I let out a sigh before getting up and facing the guys. "You bastards are gonna pay for hurting my little brothers" I spoke with venom laced in voice. "Oh. what is a little girl like you gonna do" Mocked a guy. "If you let us have some fun with you we might consider letting  your brothers go and forget this ever happened" suggested another. Before another one could say anything I punched on of them in the jaw. "Did you forget I am the one who knocked your pathetic weak boss unconscious" I reminded in icy tone. "Cause  will gladly remind you if needed" I spoke in a sweet voice that seemed to scare them. However still wanting to protect their pride they four men ran at me. I let out a sigh before roundhouse Kicking all of them In the head. All of them fell to the ground unconscious. "Tch. What a bunch of Cocky, Weak Fucktards" I spat as I look down at the unconscious bodies at my feet. "BAJI! KAZUTORA!" called a voice. I turned around saw two blondes running towards to the two boys. The taller on of the two blondes and  Dragoon tattoo on his temple and his hair was tied into a ponytail. The shorter of the two had black eyes that hid many secrets behind that black void.  It seems like their friends are here so I should leave and continue my walk.

I started to walk away from the scene with my hand in my pockets. Just when I thought I could get away without any of the the four boys noticing two voice yelled "Hey!". I turned my head around with a bored expression on my face. I saw the two boys I helped standing there with a smile on their face as the two blondes stood behind them with a confused expression. "Yes" "We just wanted to thank you for helping us" bashfully explained the boy with the tiger tattoo whilst rubbing the back of his neck. "No problem" I replied non chattily. I turned my head back to look ahead and continued on walking. "Why did you help us?" asked the boy with fangs. i stopped walking and remined silent for a second "Take it as me repaying the favour for helping me out last time" I suggested as I continued walking away leaving the the two black haired shocked and the two blondes dumb founded.

The 'Dead' HanagakiWhere stories live. Discover now