37. Never a River

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As darkness began to fade and morning took hold on the land, Ladybird awoke to the tickling breeze on her face. She sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes with a yawn. Last night had been hot and they had slept with the window open and now the sounds of morning came in to wake them.

She pushed back the blankets and looked at the bed next to hers wondering how Miriam had slept last night. When she noticed the bed was well made without anyone in it she sprung up.

"Selene!" she cried going to the next bed. "Wake up. Miriam is gone!"

Selene sat up in bed. "What?"

"Miriam is gone," Ladybird said. "She's not in her bed she must have left in the night!"

"No," Selene said getting out of bed as the other girls began to wake. "I knew she wanted to leave but I didn't think it would be like this."

"Maybe it isn't too late," Beatrice said. "Maybe we could stop her."

"I'll wake Mama and Papa!" Selene said running out of the room.

"We should get help," Heloise said. "It will take too much time to ready Missy and we can't run all the way to Angel Veil."

"We might stop her if she went on foot," Wysteria said.

"But how do you stop a train?" Astrid asked.

"I'll get Mr. St. Cloud; he'd know what to do!" Ladybird said. With that she rushed out of the house forgetting her coat and shoes. Her country bred feet came in handy for running up the roads in the dawn's light with her night gown fluttering around her turning her into a rushing mist. When she reached the St. Clouds' home she rapped on the door.

Idris answered in his house coat and was very surprised to see the exhausted young woman turn up on the doorstep at this hour.

"Miriam is gone!" Ladybird wheezed as he let her inside.

Jessop was in the kitchen drinking tea and reading over an article written about him in the paper sent from a friend. He had already taken advantage of the morning in gone for an early walk before most of the people were even awake. That was how he liked it, calm and serene.

"Jessop, we have a problem!" Idris' voice boomed as he entered the kitchen with Ladybird.

Jessop eyes went wide at the sight of the woman, barefoot, and otherwise disheveled. He'd never seen such a mess.



"Miriam Fairchild is missing," Idris said. "They think she may have gone to the depot."

"Right," Jessop said getting up from the table. "I'll see if I can track her down."

"What if she has already gone?" Ladybird asked. "She could have been on any train."

"Don't worry, we'll find her," Idris assured. "Wait here for me to dress and I'll take you back home."

Jessop watched Ladybird sink into a chair then followed his brother out of the kitchen. "I'll start at the depot and see if anyone has seen her," he said. "I can't see her traveling that far on foot in the dark."

"Well you do that," Idris said. "I'll try to keep the family calm."

Jessop raised a brow at his brother. "How do you do that?" he asked.

"Do what?"

"Help people with only words?" Jessop said. "I couldn't make a mouse feel safe but you..." he glanced back towards the kitchen.

"Well..." Idris said. "Look at it this way. We all have special talents. I could never do what you do. If we all could do what others did as well as they, then we would have no need for them. You no need for me, and I no need for you."

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