34. New Leafs

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            Sunday got off to the same start. The girls bustled about the house getting ready until they were all dressed in their Sunday best.

"Beatrice, your hair!" Heloise gasped when Beatrice came into the workshop where she sat with Selene and Hannah.

"You're wearing it up," Hannah said.

"Don't say anything more about it!" Beatrice said. "Ladybird has been saying I should try it and so I have. There is no other reason than that."

Heloise and Selene looked at each other and smiled. "It is very becoming of you," Selene said.

"I can't stand all these pins," Beatrice said. "How is it done, being a proper woman?" she sighed as she touched her locks. "I don't know if I'll go through with it." She located her hat and left the room.

Hannah turned to Selene. "Selene, I need your help," she said. "I want to make Astrid a new doll. You see I feel poorly about damaging her nutcracker and it shouldn't have been Wysteria to get her a new doll, it should have been me."

"But she's happy with Little Astrid," Heloise said.

"But I feel bad inside," Hannah said. "What does that mean?"

Selene smiled. "It means you have a working conscience," she said. "I'll be happy to help you make a doll for Astrid tomorrow after school."

"Thank you, Selene," Hannah said. "You are a soldier."

Mr. Fairchild called everyone together and they left the house. Beatrice received many compliments about her hair and not just a few little giggles as well.

Preacher preached self sacrifice and love of neighbor again. During the talk Mrs. Fairchild gently touched Miriam's hand who smiled that she had recently put this into practice.

Little Hannah sighed. It would certainly be a sacrifice spending the next few afternoons making a doll rather than playing.

Tennessee managed to stay over for church but declined when he was invited back to the house by Mrs. Fairchild and Beatrice to have supper with them.

"Really I must be going," Tennessee said, "I hope this time without the piano I shall attract less curiosity from my fellow passengers."

"Will you come see us again sometime?" Beatrice asked. "Even if it is for just a short visit."

"I don't know," Tennessee said. "I don't feel free to be myself in Dixie. I avoid it as much as possible. I don't know how such a fiery young woman as yourself manages. I couldn't put up with these people. I'd have long ago moved far away and stayed."

Beatrice looked around at the people leaving the church and she looked to the trees and the tall grass and the way the sun shone on them. "Once a wanderer always a wanderer I suppose."

Tennessee smiled. "Well it is good to see you are still strong, Beatrice. Take care of yourself." He tipped his hat and mounted Gatling.

"Mr. Wellbeloved!" Jessop shouted as he crossed the churchyard. He passed Beatrice as she walked away and stopped Tennessee. "I have a favor to ask of you."

"Not to stay longer I hope," Tennessee said.

"Not that," Jessop said. "I want you to inquire of your party regarding a certain man; Andrew Addams."

Tennessee smiled. "Now that is my something I can do" he said. "And what would you like to know about this man?"

"I want to teach him a lesson," Jessop said.

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