10. St. Cloud vs Addams

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If you noticed me

I think you would see

I will never be by myself

Lord I'm asking thee

Please shine down on we

And remember how you once blessed twelve

Heloise sat in her bed writing that night as the girls all prepared for bed. Ottaline was reading over Granville Heritage's letter again. Hannah was removing the new bonnet from her doll and placing it in the carriage next to all the others while Astrid sat on the foot of her own bed playing with her nutcracker.

"He's going to be the prince of our studio," she said proudly.

"Keep that hideous thing far from me," Hannah said as she came round her bed and sat on it. "I don't want it anywhere near my dolls."

"Stop being a magpie, Hannah," Alifair said. "I like Astrid's nutcracker."

"He gives me night frights just looking at him," Hannah said.

"Not me," Astrid said going to the foot of her bed. "He's my own special guardian and he's going to guard my bed." She set the nutcracker out the foot of the bed on the floor. "There you are brave kind soldier. If you get cold in the night your Astrid will knit you a blanket."

"He's looking at me," Hannah cried.

"Oh, Hannah stop it," Miriam said fluffing her pillow. "You've become far too used to getting your way."

Hannah pouted. "Everyone is being wicked to me," she said.

"Stop behaving like a baby and get to bed," Miriam said as said lied down on her pillow.

Hannah shot the nutcracker sentinel one more sour look then climbed into her bed.


"I'm afraid I do not understand," Ladybird said as she stood before Jessop's desk. "Have I done something wrong?"

Jessop looked up at her before him. "No," he said. "But I think it is very difficult for Taitiann to stay focused with you here. I would like for her to get more involved in her apprenticeship now and I think your being here will make that difficult."

"I see," Ladybird said though truthfully she didn't. "Sir...if I have grieved you in some way—"

"You have not upset me," Jessop said quickly but even now he found it hard to take his eyes away from her. He checked his pocket watch then got up from the table. "I'll be willing to pay your fair." He picked up a folder and tucked it under his arm. "I suggest you pack now as the train leaves in the morning." He rounded the desk and walked past her leaving her alone in the room.

Ron stepped out from his office and followed him downstairs. "That was wrong," he said as they came downstairs. "How can you just throw that woman out that way?"

"Ron, this is one of those cases where you should mind your own business." Jessop took his hat down from the coat rack.

Ron crossed his arms receiving a frown from Jessop. "I'll say this and then I'll say nothing more." "I saw you help her with her coat that day it rained. And all the time I've worked for you I've never seen you do that for the most pedigreed of women."

"She has to leave," Jessop said opening the door and stepping out on the stoop.

Ron followed him. "But I don't see why. What have you against her? You let Taitiann stay here."

"That's different. And I thought you said you weren't going to say anything else. That woman has to go and I've already made up my mind."

"Oh so now she's that woman?" Ron said. "I see what's going on here." He rubbed his chin. "I see very clearly."

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