15. Alifair and the Missing Dolls

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Providence joined Taitiann in the spare bedroom in the search for the missing nutcracker doll. Astrid said the last place she had it was in their bedroom but that had been searched more than once now.

The room was dim, lit only by the glow of the gas limp which reflected off the apricot walls turning the room into a glowing forest fire. Breakfast rested on the rug flipping his tail and purring for attention.

On the wall opposite the bed with about three feet of space between it and the footboard was a dark wardrobe. Her uncle had won the old piece of furniture at a live auction in Jacksonville in Duval County. It was said to have survived the fire of 1901 being abandoned in the streets when the owner could no longer carry it. On its right side was a Victorian chair that Selene had cut fabric for and Beatrice had reupholstered. On its left was an urn with dancing geese and on the perpendicular wall was the slightly ajar window.

"Is Astrid sure she didn't have it outside the house?" Providence asked as she checked behind the pillows.

Taitiann got up from the floor with a sigh. "It would seem our jolly little nutcracker has walked off on his own," she said. "We've searched the whole house over and not seen hide or hair of him."

"I've checked the bags," Providence said. "And I don't think Birdy or Sacha would have walked off with him."

Taitiann shook her head. "I would hate to have to tell Astrid that it's lost," she said. "I just don't understand how it could simply disappear."

"That's because you're looking at it wrong," Alifair said as she walked into the room.

"What are you talking about, Alifair?" Taitiann asked.

"You think the doll is misplaced," Alifair said. "But I've given it a little thought and I say it was taken."

"Taken?" Providence asked with a frown. "Taken by whom?"

"Just think," Alifair said crossing her arms. "Wasn't there someone who disliked him? Wasn't there someone who was afraid of him; someone who would be glad to see him gone?"

Taitiann and Providence looked at each other. "Hannah!"

"She hated him!" Alifair said.

Taitiann sucked her teeth. "Oh, Alifair, I know Hannah can be naughty but I don't think she'd take Astrid's doll. She isn't cruel."

"Hannah broke my toys before," Alifair said. "And she was never sorry."

"But that was when she was a little baby," Taitiann said as they left the room. "I'm sorry but I just can't believe she would hurt Astrid that way."

Alifair turned to Providence.

"I don't know what to think," Providence said. "We can't blame her without all the facts. I need to get caught up on my medical book. Do you want to go to the pavilion afterwards?"

Alifair shook her head and watched them go downstairs. "Fine," she said to herself. "Don't believe me, you worry about you medical books and I'll prove that Hannah did take that nutcracker doll."

After Providence and Wysteria had gone to the pavilion Alifair abandoned her sampler and approached Ottaline who was playing hopscotch on the dirt road. "You'll soil your pinafore quick that way."

Ottaline picked up her stone. "I'll wash it twice," she said.

"Ottaline," Alifair said before she started hoping again. "You like mysteries don't you?"

"Miriam says I'm over enthusiastic," Ottaline said.

"Well I have a mystery for you," Alifair said and Ottaline gave her full attention. "The mystery of Astrid's nutcracker."

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