Chapter 9

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Relocated to the female section of the training grounds, I couldn't help but be suspicious of Vincent's talk with Beta Silver.

I couldn't help myself from thinking that after sleeping on the information he maybe decided it best to report my activity after all.

I tried convincing myself the world didn't rotate around me in order to settle the worry that any minute Vincent would walk in and demand that I report to his office.

Camille despite sitting beside me on the benches seemed to be a million miles away.

I tap her shoulder when Vincent comes though the gate with Beta Silver. She crashes back to earth with a scare, looking around frantically to get her bearings. I wonder if she even realized at what point we walked over to the grounds.

"Morning everyone." Beta Silver greets gaze taking over the group, landing on me for a split second but he shows no sign of recognition.

Some of the girls giggle and respond with enthusiasm that Vincent rolls his eyes at. He was always casted to the side of everyone's attention whenever Beta Silver made a presence. Silver's personality felt like a breath of fresh air from that of Vincent's.

"We continue with dominance endurance today. Those of you already past, stay here so I could have a word. Those who failed, just go run laps or something." Vincent puts out the command, Beta Silver already having distanced himself like last time.

"I thought I got a free pass on this." Camille's face sags in defeat upon hearing today's itinerary.

"Good luck, remember don't faint." I cheekily say getting my revenge for the last time.

"I see why you hated me saying that." With that she stalks off to join the other group. I was happy to see her mood had brightened a bit.

Gracie is sitting in front of me, head held high, with one leg crossed over the other. I could only dream of being as confident and put together as she appeared. I was just barely managing to stay awake at the moment, I was thankful that I had already undergone the testing. If I had to go through that today, I would lose consciousness before Beta Silver could even use his dominance.

"2, 3... 3 of you only huh." Vincent mutters upon seeing the numbers left seating on the bench.

"We'll wait to see if a few more of you make it through before I make the announcement. In the meantime, drop and give me 50!"

There was a special place in hell for this man.

The ground is cemented and coarse under my palms, as I force my weight up and back down again. I lacked any real physical strength, paired with my exhaustion I was really struggling. I was still on my 10th one when I heard Gracie mumble 40, counting under her breath.

I could feel Vincent's eyes leer down on me. I dared to look up at him to be filled with regret when I see the look of distaste plastered to his features at my pathetic display. I really despised the man as he was the main reason for the erosion of what little confidence I had.

I was last to complete the pushups, finishing not long after the other girl and minutes behind Gracie. By the time I was sweating like a pig, hair sticking to my face, palms red and raw.

I slump onto the benches and prayed for more girls to hurry up and pass before Vincent thought to give us another exercise.

I decide to shut my eyes for a two minute nap, not able to take it anymore. What was suppose to be two minutes would have lasted much longer had a poke to my cheek not stirred me.

"Stop...stop...STOP!" Annoyed my eyes fly open to tell the irritatingly, persistent individual a few colourful words.

"You know what, next time I'll let Vincent be the one to wake you." Camille huffs, turning her head away from me.

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