Chapter 4

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I sit on my bed, combing out my hair, just trying to kill time.

Four girls came in together, looking freshly showered, speaking animatedly before separating to retire to their respective beds. They were asleep the second their heads touched the pillow. I could relate, my aching muscles were begging me to take a page out of their book and pass out on my bed but it would have to wait.

There wasn't much to do here but train. We were prohibited phones and denied outside contact, our only option was to talk with each other if we craved entertainment but I wasn't big on that.

Time always seemed to pass slower when you had nothing doing. The sun had gone out not too long ago forcing everyone indoors. Everyone was now going through their nightly routine before lights out.

Closing my eyes I lay back and just wait, bidding my time. When I feel the absence of light behind my closed lids, I hold off a few minutes more before getting up carefully, picking up the bag which I kept stocked with my usual supplies and creeping out as quietly as possible.

The doors were never locked, there wasn't a need for it with so many wolves gathered in one room, no intruder would be so bold as to make a move which was great for me because everyone seemed to let their guard down, trusting in each other.

I was accustomed to moving through the room in the dark and like any other night, I make it outside without alerting anyone.

My bag slung on my shoulder, I keep to the shadows as I walk down the dirt path towards the showers.

It might seem absurd what I was doing but it had proven to be the safest course of action thus far.

Since discovering the dangers using the communal showers posed, I had adopted this unususl method. Tried and tested for the past year and eight months, I had avoided any unwelcome confrontations.

Living here under strict rules and curfews, it made sense to wait until everyone went to sleep before taking the risk of venturing to wash up.

Since realizing there was safety in numbers, the other girls had opted to going to the washrooms in groups which did in fact decrease the number of incidents but overtime the groups had subdivided perhaps due to friends only wanting to stick with friends, leaving a good few girls who kept to themself, no choice but to go on their own.

Which the men didn't hesitate to take advantage of since there always seemed to be a degenerate from the other gender, lurking for an opportunity.

No girl would be crazy enough to wander out alone at night which was where I came in. Do the unexpected as the saying goes.

When I first came up with the idea after a situation that could have been a lot worse if the Moon Goddess didn't seem to be looking out for me when another girl showed up at just the right time to deter the molesting bastard. To this day I still sometimes wake up in a cold sweat from dreams about that day.

The next day I ended up being too afraid to go shower, so I stayed in bed just trying to muster up the courage and before I knew it, it was dark out. Originally I had planned to just go to bed as I was and shower properly the next day but the uncomfortable feeling of dirt and grime and the stench of sweat surrounding me pushed me to do something I never thought myself capable.

And almost two years later it was still my saving grace. Despite how often I do this, there was always a twinge of fear that today might be the day it fails me and with everyone so far out and asleep, there would be no one to come to my rescue but I ignored it.

It has kept me safe for so long, I had to trust in it and hope the Goddess had my back.

I get to the washroom, hating the very sight of the obscene facility. I try to do my business as quickly as possible.

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