And now I really see her because last night the lighting was horrible, my vision was blurry and my head was throbbing. Now that we're out in the light I can see her more.

"It's Christina." East admits.

I cross my arms over my chest wondering what her reaction would be. I mean how could one react to their ex getting back with their baby momma and marrying her? If I could guess I'd say she should be pretty pissed.

She just laughs not looking too worried about it. "That's cute." She says while pulling out her phone. "Finally I got service."

East twists his face up in confusion probably trying to figure out why she's not showing much reaction. "You got you a man now?" He questions.

I raise an eyebrow wondering why it even matters.

Brooklyn lifts her head up glancing back and forth between the two of us. I raise my hands in defense. "He asked not me."

She clears her throat. "Nah I actually prefer being alone," she quickly changes the subject placing her hands on her hip she puts her full attention on us. "Y'all got a way home or sum? I remember y'all said y'all money got cleared."

"We good-"

"Yeah a ride fine." I take her offer cutting him off. Knowing damn well that he would let his grudge against her be the reason we gotta stand out here in the hot ass sun catching the bus.

"Ight cool I just ordered a Uber."

I think back to last night and how before the accident I had used a good amount of money on an expensive Airbnb that we can use for about five months. I mentally give myself my props thinking of how smart that was on my end. Then I think about how Brooklyn is here on vacation, the whole thing with her not being able to graduate, and the fact that she bailed us out on top of calling this Uber. She's been coming out of pocket and I feel like we owe her a lot. Before I know it I'm offering to help her out too.

"You know hotels expensive as fuck around here," I state. "We got a Airbnb fully paid for, for some months. While you stay here you trynna crash with us? Least we can do since you paid our bail and shit."

She opens her mouth to speak but is cut off by East dragging me by the arm a good amount of distance away. "What the fuck is you doing? Her pockets ain't hurting you know who her peoples is."

"She said she wasn't relying on them remember? Not to mention she bailed us out. If it wasn't for her we would still be sitting in that bitch." I point out.

He smacks his lips glancing over at Brooklyn who has an irritated look on her face. "I just don't see why we can't just go home-"

"Cause home would cost a whole flight back me and you. Not to mention we don't even have enough money to buy a rental. We're BROKE. Com'on now act like you know something." I lowkey catch a attitude.

He glances at her sighing. "Fine I guess she can."

I smack my lips next. "Nigga it's not yo choice anyways," I laugh. "If I wasn't smart and booked that shit last night we'd be sleeping on the streets."

I won't pretend I don't understand his hesitance with being around her. Shit I can't lie the whole situation and how things went down still plays in my mind sometimes. And having her around might bring back unwanted history. Not to mention me and East were damn near ready to go to war about this girl. Fighting over her and all. The only thing that's making me feel like it won't be an issue now is that we're like brothers. It's been four years and we've all grown since than. Well I'd like to believe we all have. But it seem like the only one still acting childish and holding grudges is E. Hopefully he gets over that shit soon.

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