Chapter 2

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A/N - The Song Up Top was on my mind while writing this lol. Also a fluffy chicken to brighten your day :)

I have worked so hard on this. When I finished this. It was turning dawn outside. I couldn't sleep so I thought I would finish it. It would have been out sooner but the chapter I wrote it on paper my little siblings drew pictures all over it... So yeah. 

Gotta Love Little Kids LMFAO

Now I will stop boring you with shit. Rick, Juju is searching the internet where she was last seen. Heyden stood at the window watching the street below, waiting for something to do. Emma and Hadiya were good of a little bit as in 5 minutes.. Then they got bored so they went to computers turning them on and going onto Minecraft and playing it. 

"Why the hell did you kill the sheep." Emma yells, "It was alive." Hadiya says, laughing. 

Heyden rolls her eyes at the two. "Why can't they be normal for five minutes." Heyden thought, 

After some hours of Hadiya and Emma messing around on Minecraft, and Juju and Rick looking for information. "I'm going to go and get us food." Heyden says, wanting to just do something. 
"Get us a happy meal" Hadiya and Emma say excitedly in unison, "A Ice Tea is good." Rick says not really paying attention, "Coffee and Cheese cake" Juju says, Heyden wrote it down on her arm and then turned to leave before she left she heard Rick telling Hadiya and Emma to stop spinning in the chair. She shook her head and then left, closing the door. 

Meanwhile, In Giovanni's office. He watched the Computer Lab. cameras Not amused. Damon entered the office without knocking. Damon has known Giovanni for a long time, so he is allowed to go in without knocking anyone else did that they would have a hell of a time. "Anything new G." Damon asks, his friend already knowing the answer. "Nothing." Giovanni says with a sigh. "We always get them. We WILL find her." Damon promised. He had hope that is one thing that Damon NEVER lost. He wanted Giovanni's dad to be there for him and be proud of him. Just like Giovanni. 

Now, back with Heyden getting the food. She paid for the food and the drinks and sat at the table making sure all the food was there. "I've got a lead on the Nightmare Queen." A guy with black hair and a rose tattooed on the shoulder possibly in a gang says into the phone, probably thinking that no one was listening to his conversation. He was heading out the door. "He could help us track her. I could report back and miss him or I could ditch the food and go get him" Heyden thought, The Adrenaline was going through her veins. The curiosity pushing at her. 

So she abandon the food (A/N Like my father abandon me... I'm sorry that ain't funny, but everyone knows i'm insane LMFAO) and went after him, trailing him but doing it unnoticed. "The lead should be at saint church on 6 street." He spoke into the phone, Heyden didn't wait anymore. The adrenaline going through her veins for excitement she took off through the streets. Climbing over trash cans and jumping over fences moving quickly as possible. 

Meanwhile with the others, After a few minutes of silence from Emma and Hadiya they got impatient. So then the silence was ruined. "I'm hungry, Where the fuck is the food." Hadiya says, getting fed up with waiting. "I'm with ya i'm starving." Emma says, Juju sighs.. Hadiya looks at Juju. "Admit it you are also worried." Hadiya says, After some thinking Juju and Rick look at each other, before they nod and get up to leave with the others to find there friend. 

After some time past they arrived at the place and found the food and then they went looking. As they walked by an alley. They saw a piece of clothing on the ground with blood on it. They knew there friend went rouge on them to try and find The Nightmare Queen. Emma and Hadiya looks at each other. 

Minutes went by and they found nothing. 

Hours went by and they just found more blood and clothing. 

Dark was rising, No matter how much they wanted to continue they knew that they couldn't continue looking for there friend. 

So they reported back to there compound and sat in there shared room.. 

Nobody saying anything, 

It was to painful to say anything. 

A/N - Do not hate me ihatemylifeinnocent also less hatred from you i dedicated it for you lmfao

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A/N - Do not hate me ihatemylifeinnocent also less hatred from you i dedicated it for you lmfao.

LuyaFrost Don't worry Kitty you will also be in this book.. You will make a grand appearance you'll see what I mean later in the book. ;)



Hope you enjoyed. 

Alpha Nikita. 

853 Words - Not my best chapter but It will do lol. 

Updated: Someone please help... My neighbors are yelling and fighting and its very triggering. :'( 

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