Asher grunted a little and grinned, hands reaching out to clutch at my hips. "What are you doing there, buddy?" He rasped, panting a little as I continued marking more hickeys on his skin. "Experimenting," I muffled against his throat, grinning a little and grabbing his skin between my teeth, pulling on it. "Ow!" Asher yelped, causing me to pull away and laugh evilly as he yanked me closer. "You dick," he said, laughing along with me before nuzzling his face against my temple. "You already know a lot about your feelings for guys, I'm the one that's supposed to experiment," He complained, chuckling. I shrugged, flashing him a smirk. "I'm just playing along! If you enjoyed that, though, then there's your experience points," I stated. Asher hummed, pondering the thought. "Besides, you pretty much figured out your feelings for guys, judging by the boners you got last night. Now this is just experimenting to see if it's something you're completely into," I teased, trailing my finger down his chest, causing him to give me an intrigued, yet amused look. "Mmm, by "something I'm completely into" you mean you, right?" He questioned, smiling. I smiled back, feeling myself blush a little.

That's pretty much what it's come down to.

Suddenly, there was a quick knock and then the door opened. "Hey, guys, we made pancakes-- Oh... Whaaat's going on..?" Leo questioned, dragging out his words as he eyed us with curiosity. I pulled away, a smile still on my face as I shook my head and crossed my arms. "Nothing, we were just--"

"Are those HICKEYS!? Ash, I don't remember seeing some girl all over your neck like that... Is... Are you... NO... NOOOOO, you... OMG!! You two are, aren't you??" Leo exclaimed with a gasp, a big smiling stretching across his face. I felt my face heat up, then Asher smacked my ass, making me jump a bit as he flashed Leo a wink. "Fuck! I KNEW IT! I've been shipping you two like Fed-Ex, AHHH! Are you gonna tell everyone-- Can I tell everyone??" Leo babbled, jumping up and down. Asher and I chuckled, getting ready to speak, only to watch Leo immediately run out of the room, not even bothering to get an answer. I could hear him charging down the stairs and shouting everyone's names, causing me to roll my eyes playfully as I grabbed Ash's hand and started dragging him towards the door so we could go and let the others know what was happening, I guess.

Neither of us really bothered to get dressed either; we were just going to stroll in in our boxers. It's not like it'll be too much of a surprise, Leo practically walks around us naked, and so does Charlie. They have no care in the world, I swear.

"You are okay with telling them, right..? That we're just kinda trying things out with each other right now..?" Asher asked, stopping me real quick and getting me to look him in the eyes. I smiled and gave him a quick kiss as my answer, which in return caused him to smile. "I mean... Yeah. I prefer commitment, but I'm fine with all of this if you're the one I'm doing it with. Who knows... We might get feelings for each other and put a label on it... Yeah?" I replied, my face heating up. Asher blushed as well and nodded. I continued dragging him back down the stairs, leading him into the kitchen, where I heard quite the dispute going on. "Babe, is this another one of your 'God, I wish my two best friends would date already' talks?" Mason asked, chuckling. "No, no, no. Hang on, I thought I saw them getting all intimate in the pool yesterday... Not too sure though, since last night was kinda wild," Taylor shared, crossing his arms as he leaned against the counter in thought.

"There's no way they're dating. Avalon is too in love with my brother to want anyone else," Cassidy replied, with a look of disgust on her face. Taylor quickly looked at her and blinked a few times. "Wait, what?"

"No, no! I'm being serious. He has hickeys all over his neck!" Leo exclaimed. "Since when doesn't Ash have hickeys all over him? He's a total manwhore, and the ladies love him... That's in no way to be taken offensively, like, the guy's gotta teach me his skills," Charlie added, laughing and crossing her arms. "Um, guys... They're right there--"

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