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Thankfully, we had made it back to the tower where we immediately ran up all the steps, practically flinging the door open once we got to it. Taylor closed it behind us, all of us panting heavily and trying to catch our breaths, the cold air from outside feeling like needles stabbing our skin due to all the running. "You're back!" Patience yelled excitedly, smiling at us. "Did you get to the radio??" Leo asked, frowning nervously.

"Taylor you're bleeding... Wait... Where's Cassidy? And Bailey?" Mollie questioned, glancing at each one of us, a worried glint in her eyes. Taylor choked on a sob and leaned against the door, sliding to the floor then covering his face. It wasn't his blood. "She's... She's fucking dead," he cried. "Both of them..." I mumbled in a monotone voice, shaking my head while the daze I was previously in crept back up and made me feel completely numb. Their eyes widened as they stared at us. "W... What??" Mollie stammered.

Heidi started sobbing, hands pushing her glasses up as she rubbed at her eyes with her sleeves each time a tear fell. "Those things! They threw her off and she fell onto a pole! It went right through her eye!" She exclaimed between sobs, voice wavering. I sniffled and wiped my own tears, looking down. "There was nothing we could do... A-Asher tried shooting at them, but... It didn't even faze them," I mumbled, looking up at Asher, feeling myself glare at him as I thought back to him pulling me away from Bailey. Asher frowned, but I just shook my head and walked away, sniffling once more and tugging at my beanie.

Vick just sighed and shook his head. "I'm sorry about your friends... Guns can only help so much against these things, but it's better to have one than to not. Even with my shotgun here, it takes quite a bit to try and stun them," he said to us. "They're superhuman freaks... There's no getting those things fucking down," Asher grumbled once he looked away from me, placing his hand affectionately on top of Taylor's head, trying to comfort him. "I-I can't believe Cassidy is..." Mollie paused, breath hitching in her throat as she covered her mouth, still in shock. Leo was just staring at Taylor with wide eyes, not even knowing what to say. "The radio... Did you get into contact with someone?" Mason asked, crossing his arms and looking away. I could see that his own eyes had welled up with tears. I nodded, making my way over to the sofa and sitting down. "Yeah... They said they'll send someone here as soon as they can... Might not be until morning or sometime the next day," I answered, pulling my beanie off to scratch at my head, dropping it onto the couch as I began to feel very tired.

Asher took the gun out of his pants and placed it on the table near Vick's shotgun, before making his way over to me and sitting down. He went to wrap his arm around me, but I scooted to the side, pulling away from him and shifting uncomfortably. That just made him frown and I couldn't help but feel a pang in my chest for rejecting him. "You kids probably need some sleep... You're welcome to rest here and stay until help comes," Vick offered. Heidi sat down next to Taylor on the floor and hugged him as he kept crying. "I'm so sorry," she whispered, sniffling.

One after another... Everyone around us was dying. But this time it was one of our own... Who was next?  Were we all going to die? Was help going to come before any of the rest of us died? I know Cassidy was a bitch, but... She was different. She wasn't what she showed herself as, she was a lot different and was an actual genuine human being. She just pretended to be horrible because she was scared of showing her true self... But at least she didn't die and we hated her even after death... She was a good person and... She didn't deserve to die. I know Taylor is never going to stop beating himself up over this. They fought a lot, but at the end of the day, they were siblings and they loved each other, whether they would say it to each other's faces or not.

"We should rest, okay? Stay here until help comes. We need rest for when they do," Mason said. He was right. I know I could use some sleep right about now.

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