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Okay, so I'm only writing this author's note because I just wanted to make something clear before you read on. I tried doing a lot of research on rituals, and I found a lot of mixed things, and everything I've found, I kind of just smashed together. The "ritual" they do (if you could even call it that) is just a mixture of what I found, because I couldn't find anything extremely specific, so there isn't really much detail on what exactly they do. But I did find a chant, or really more of a affirmation type thing, to rid a place of unwanted entities. Because I couldn't find anything concrete, what they do may not seem as impressive, but I tried researching a lot and just couldn't really find anything that seemed to fit.

I am in no way an expert when it comes to witchcraft, although I have dabbled in it in the past (even have a spell book), but even my spell book didn't contain anything related to dark entities, so the research itself was kind of a bust. So if this seems a bit stupid, I apologize, but I tried. I just honestly couldn't find anything that I thought fit, so be gentle. XD

Anyway, that is all I wanted to point out, I hope you enjoy!

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I could feel the anxiety bubbling in the pit of my stomach at the realization that this was it; we were about to come face to face with the source of all this chaos, and we were about to try and get rid of it. I was taking deep breaths, and I could hear the other three struggling to control their breathing as well, all of us giving each other nervous glances but trying our best to look as confident as possible. "No matter what... We stay together, okay?" Asher spoke. We all nodded, agreeing, before returning our gaze to the gate leading out of the air shaft in front of us. I moved back, my back pressing against Patience as I readied my legs, kicking my feet as hard as I could into the gate and knocking it off.

No turning back.

We all crawled out of the vent shaft, feeling consumed by the amount of negative energy suffocating this place. You didn't have to be a medium or sensitive to spiritual activity to feel this malevolence weighing you down and making you completely sick to your stomach. I just knew it had gotten stronger somehow. You could see black smoke circling the area and it felt like the whole place was rumbling; it even smelled of death-- like rotting flesh. The smell made me gag, and I had to try so hard to swallow back the vomit that threatened to escape and spew out everywhere.

"Oh god... I feel heavy," Taylor grumbled, rubbing his head. I let out a deep and shaky breath, running over to the center of the room and dropping the bag down, practically ripping it open. "We have to do this quick," I stated, pulling out everything we needed, candles, salt, sage, crystals, and things that you apparently have to bang together because the book says "some people use this as a way to rid their home of evil spirits". I say it's worth a shot; I'll try anything. There was also chalk that the book said we apparently needed to draw symbols, yet I had no idea what any of them meant, but I was going to pretend like I did.

Everyone grabbed what they could as I looked at the book and instructed them on what to do and where to put things. I began to use the chalk to draw circles and symbols all on the floor, while the others placed candles and salt in the corners of the room and exits, along with crystals that apparently were charged under a full moon. "Dude, it feels like the air is getting denser in here, do you feel it?" Asher asked, taking a deep breath as he felt his chest begin to constrict.

He wasn't wrong. It felt like the air around us was beginning to close in, enveloping itself around us and tightening it's grip-- almost suffocating. We could now for sure feel the ground rumbling beneath us, as if the entity was growing angrier by the second.

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