Chapter 38

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Looking back now, I couldn't be happier that I went on The Voice. I got the chance to meet Ricky, and it changed my life, eventually for the better.

Now? Four years later I'm going to be working on my third studio album later this year and the two albums prior went straight to number one.

I haven't seen Kylie in years and I hope I never see her again. She can't ever redeem herself after what she did.

Me and Ricky got married last year and are expecting a baby boy later this month. It was an exciting time for the both of us but it was nervewrecking also. Its probably the most nervewrecking thing I'm ever going to do. At least I had Ricky by my side to help me through it all.

Ricky got more and more excited about the baby as the due date got closer and closer. He was going to make such a good dad, he had so much energy to play with him and he was so kind and caring. He woulde let anything or anyone hurt his child and neither will I.

We were thinking of baby names for awhile, we came up George Louis Wilson.

I knew that he would look exactly like Ricky, he would definitely take after him. He didn't stop moving, he had so much energy, like his dad.

I just felt happy. The scars on my wrists were fading, I hadn felt the urge to do it in years. I finally felt truely happy, for the first time in my whole life. With Ricky and my unborn son, I'm sure it will remain that way for the rest of my life.

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