Chapter 18

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"He's here, I know he is. He wouldn't go through all the trouble if he didn't care."

Kylie laughed slightly and shook her head slightly. She thought I was being naive, but I knew he was here somewhere. He had to be.

She gave a slight nod to the man behind me and he tightened  the grip he had around my neck. I was getting forcefully pshed into another room. It was smaller and darker than the room before.

He shoved me into the room and slammed the door shut quickly afterwards.

I never thought that deciding to go on The Voice in the first place would lead to this. Never in a million years. I wouldn't have thought that my own coach would be this viscious towards people. She was so harsh towards everyone.

She couldn't keep me in here forever, someone had to realise I was missing and join the pieces together. Ricky would at least try to call the police and tell them what had happened.

There was no point screaming and shouting for help because no one would actually come and help. I just had to wait for Ricky, wait and hope. I had no other choice because there was no way I was getting out of here unless Kylie lets me go, which is highly unlikely.

I became clostrophobic really quickly. I began freaking out, I can't be in tight spaces for very long, it makes me feel really anxious. I swear to God Kylie did this on purpose, she knew this all along.  She wants me to suffer.

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