Chapter 33

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I was weary, you hear men on TV use that excuse so many times in situations like this. If the woman believes him, then the same thing happens again and she wonders why and how it could happen. They end up in the same situation as before and she says the same thing and she ends up believing him, again.It all goes round in a never ending circle. But this isn't a TV show, is it? It's real life, and its happening to me.

I never thought I would be in a situation like this. That I would be standing in front of my fiancee who had just cheated on me an hour or so beforehand and him begging me to marry him again. It's not something you dream of when you're  little girl. When you're little, you fall for the fairytales that the Disney Princesses live in. You belive one day that you're Prince Charming will come along one day and sweep you of your feet and he will treat you like his very own princess, then you'll get married and live happily ever after and that would be it.

As you grow older, you realise that it isn't like that at all. Not all men are Prince Charming's and life isn't this perfect fairytale you thought it was,It's actually the opposite. You have to survive on your own because no one is going to be there to help you all the time. You will move out of your family house and your family isn't there to help you 24/7. Not all friends are what the seem like at first. Real friends are rare and you get stabbed in the back eventually by the fake ones. So many times I trusted the wrong people, maybe that's why I'm the way I am today. Messed up and not even to trust my own fiancee.

Ricky looked at me pleadingly, he was almost moved to tears. The more I thought about the excuse the more plausable the idea sounded. It really did sound like something Kylie would do to try and break us up. She knew that if I didn't have Ricky, then I would tear myself apart like I've done so many times in the past, I'm not prepared to give Kylie what she so evidently wanted.

I smiled at him quickly. "I can't bellieve I've been so stupid, of course I believe you."

He smiled back at me and gave me the ring so I could put it in my pocket. He kissed me on the forehead as Tom walked in on us.

"Time to go lovebirds, before someone else walks in and catches you."

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