Chapter 4 - Cuddles?

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After they were done with the mouse they looked back up at me and then quickly slithered away. I didn't try to chase them or really do anything to make them stop, I thought that giving them room to breath would be best. I walked over to the couch flopping down and pulling out my phone.  Hmm, maybe I can figure out where he came from on the web. 

Putting your phone down after finding absolutely nothing, you look at the clock to find that it's almost midnight... ughhhhhhhhh... you let out a sigh after getting up and walking over to your bedroom then into your bathro- you pause, hearing water splashing. you turn to peek in to your bathroom only to find a small... skeleton snake... playing in the water that field you sink, you giggle a bit as the skeleton snake turns around and gives you an angry red blushing glare. You decided to grab a cloth and put in on the side of the sink so they can dry themself off.    

I guess i'll skip a shower for tonight as you grab your PJs and make you way to you bed flopping down on it, only for sleep to take you away.

~Tem Skip~~

Squinting your eyes as the sun from your window beams directly into your face, you suddenly feel a weight on your stomach. looking down to see the little noddle all curled up into a ball of cuteness, but reality is making its way back to you as you realize you need to go pee. Crap, you slowly picked them up and placed them down on you now warm blanket and made your way to your bathroom. As you came out you found them still sleeping so you decided not to wake them and go make breakfast for the two of you. 

I grabbed a pan and some butter, placing a tad in the pan to melt and move it around to cover the bottom completely. Then I grabbed two eggs out of the fridge cracking them and whisking them in a bowl, finally poring them into the pan and waiting for the eggs to cook- slightly moving them around and adding some cheese on them. After that was done I grabbed the toast that I put in before hand and put it all on a plat with some ketchup drizzled on the eggs. "PERFECT!" "Now for little dudes, hmm he seamed to like the mouse yesterday might as well grab another one." 

Placing the now finished breakfast on the table you went to feel you lizard and then go wake the small snake for breakfast. 

I walked into the room to see the small noodle curled up in the same place, I walked up to them and crouched down. "Hey, Bub I made breakfast ya want some?" rubbing his skull lightly, "They shift and wake up... they take a quick look at me and how close my hand was to them... *SNAP* "Owe." I look down at my hand to see some blood but not enough to need a bandage or anything, but when I look back at them they were cowering and putting there hands above their head like I was going to hit them, small weeps and ... SOR'Ys? could be heard... wait could they talk?  agh no time to think bout that, they are scared and need help. "Hey, hey it's ok. I'm not going to hurt you come on Bub look at me, your ok and my hands fine." 

They look up at you and and slowly say a soft broken "S-sOrRy." You give them a light smile and offer them you other hand, they slowly made their way onto it relaxing to how warm it is. As you walk to the kitchen you place him on the table by his plat and sat in your set with your breakfast. You took a bit of you eggs and toast surprised to find that its still warm, you lift you head up and look towards the small snake to find that they had already finished their food and was looking at something be hind you. You turn around to find your left overs from a night ago and the small condiments of sauces next to it, apparently they was staring at a mustered packet. "You want that Bub?"- their eye lights light up into big reddish pinky rings as you grab the condiment and pass it to them after tearing the tip of it off. Their smile grows into a real one... not the one that's already on their face but a true happy smile. You were just about to go back to eat when you felt a small tug of your shirt sleeve, looking over to the small snake you smile and were just going to ask what they needed until they started to speak- "T-tHa'k Ya'..." "No problem Bub" you say as you give them a soft smile but be for you could go back to try to eat they start to talk again. "WhAt Y-oUr... NaM' " oh crap I completely forgot to tell them my name... "The name is Y/N, Y/N L/N, and yours?" "..." oh shoot maybe they don't have one agh I shouldn't have asked tha- "T-the n-names'- Red." 

A/N- Sorry for any grammar issues, Oh and sorry for taking so long. Im starting to loose ideas so if ya maybe could leave some that would help a lot. Thx.

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