Chapter 21- Ultimate Weapon

Start from the beginning


"I thought you'd retired from the plumbing business, Mr. Tennyson. Or may I call you Max?" I heard. "It's Enoch and those Forever Knight guys who tried to slice and dice me," Ben said. "How nice of you to remember. And of course, how can I forget the family... who left the Forever Knights with a castle?" Enoch said. "Whatever happened, you brought upon yourselves," Max said. "Aren't we the feisty sewer rat? I'd love to chat about old times... but I'm late for holding the world at my mercy. So, I'll be taking that mask now." "Over my dead body," Max said. "Excellent suggestion. Gentlemen?" Enoch said.


The Forever Knights took out glowing blue swords and came toward us. Before they could strike, the door opened. "What's going on here?" A security guard said. Ben threw himself at Enoch and said, "Run!" "I'm not leaving you!" I protested. Before I could say anything else, Gwen grabbed my hand and pulled me away. As we were running, I heard an alarm going off. "This isn't good!" I thought.


"Wrong way," Max said as we saw another security guard. Suddenly,, the mask was taken from Max by Enoch. "Your loss is my gain," He said. "Grab on," Max told Gwen and I as a barrier was going down. "We don't have time to fool around, Ben. Get in," Max ordered. When he entered the Rust Bucket, I tackled him in a hug. "Ben, are you OK? I'm so sorry for leaving you. I-" I was cut off when he put his finger to my lips.


"Shh, princess. As long as your safe, that's all I care about," Ben said. Max rammed the Forever Knights car as hard as he could. "Come on! Wildmutt? Ripjaws? Somebody?" "I'm trying. Stupid watch won't let me," Ben said. "This is a job for a Plumber," Max said, determined. He pressed the Auto Driver button and left his seat.


"Grandpa? Guess when you got to go, you got to go," Ben said. "Come on, work! Grandpa, what's with the fashion show?" "It's my Plumber's suit. Been saving it for the right time. Like now." "Haven't seen that for a while," I thought. Then he went out to deal with Enoch. "Max!" I shouted as I watched out the window.


Then the Forever Knights showed up in the Rust Bucket. "You want to fight... try picking on someone your own size." Ben said. Then one of the Forever Knights swung his sword at Ben. "Ben!" I yelled worriedly. Before the Forever Knight could get closer, Gwen kicked the freezer door and he fell. "Nice work, Gwen!" I said as we high-fived. Ben delivered a final blow and the Knight fell out of the RV.


"Nice job!" The three of us complimented each other. Another Forever Knight was about to break in but Gwen grabbed the fire extinguisher and sprayed him. Max came back in the Rust Bucket with the mask. "Got it," He said. "Hold on." Ben and I got back in the passenger seat and put our seatbelt on. "This is metric. I said I needed a 1/2 inch wrench," Max said.


"Sorry, grump-pa," Gwen said, annoyed. The three of us were so annoyed by Max's attitude and we just wanted it to stop. "Who knows when that will be," I thought. "Grandpa?" "Not now, Ben. "I think you're going to want to see this," Ben said. "It's the map to the ancient Mayan temple of Ekchuah. We need to beat them to that temple," Max said. Now, we were all flying on Stinkfly. "Ben, can't you go any faster?" Max asked.

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