5. I've missed you

Start from the beginning

A shared silence, strangely comforting, washed over the two of you for a few moments. All you saw was Kei, the sounds of the bar had all but faded away. For just a moment, it was only the two of you. Left alone in your own little world.
Though you had to come back to reality eventually... the sounds around you came rushing back, along with the realization that it wasn't just he and you.
"Y/n! Good to see you!" Kiyoko called from across the bar.
Your attention was drawn away for a moment, though quickly going back to Kei. You weren't sure what to say, only looking at him as if to ask for approval.
Kei smiled. "Go ahead, we can catch up later." He chuckled
You gave a nod, walking over to Kiyoko. Heart still racing for some reason...

The night moved on, team members left throughout the night until eventually you, kei, and yamaguchi were the only ones left. Everyone else had lives now, they'd grown up... it felt so strange to see them like this. Suga is a teacher, daichi is an officer, Shoyo and kageyama both playing volleyball professionally.
They all had things to do in the morning, you, however you were able to go into work whenever you wanted. Owning a popular business certainly had its perks.

"I think I'm gonna head home, I've got work in the morning." Yamaguchi yawned "seeya tadashi! Remember to stop by the bakery! I miss having you around!" You chimed, clearly a bit too tipsy.
Yamaguchi chuckled. "I'll make time to stop by, I've heard great things." He gave a polite smile before walking out. Leaving you and Kei to sit in silence.
'It wasn't this awkward before... why's it feel weird now?'
The silence almost felt suffocating, until finally kei spoke.
"This is weird... isn't it?" He mumbled.
You chuckled, some of your discomfort melting away. "Little bit, yeah..."

You let out a soft sigh, leaning back against your chair. "How've you been kei? We've got five years to catch up on." You asked with a soft smile.
"Pretty good, the team has been doing great and I'm up for a promotion to curator at the museum."
"That's wonderful kei! I'm glad you're doing well." You replied with a  sweet smile.
"Thanks, what about you? Seems like the bakery has been going well!"
"It has! We've gotten big enough that if I don't want to work I don't have to!" You beamed. Tsukki noticed the excitement in your voice, the way your eyes sparkled when you talked about your work. 'She must be really happy... maybe the breakup was for the best? Still though... I can't help but wonder if we'll finally work out one day.'

"You should uh... you should stop by sometime. I'd like to see you more." You spoke softly, almost hoping he wouldn't hear you...
"You would?" He looked up to you, his dulled eyes sparking. His tone sounded hopeful, almost desperate.
"I would..." you let out a shaky breath, eyes flickering to his lips for just a moment.
'Kei... why do you have to make me feel these things all over again, just when I started to move on.'
Kei started to lean closer
"It's... it's getting late, we should probably both go home huh?" You spoke before anything more happened
"Y-yeah... of course." He mumbled, a shaky breath leaving him.

You shot back the last of your drink. Heading to the bar to pay.
'I should've kissed him... why didn't I kiss him?!'
You went back to the table and grabbed your purse, giving kei a polite smile.
"I'll see you kei." You said before leaving.

You stood outside of the bar, waiting for your Uber to arrive. Letting the cool air hit your face. "Y/n..."
You turned to see Tsukki, he looked conflicted but his eyes were set ablaze. "Kei, what's up?"
"There's something I need to do... so please forgive me if I'm being an idiot."
"Huh? What do you need to do?"
Tsukki stepped closer to you, his hand made its way to your face, tilting your head up.

"This." He replied, leaning down to press his lips to yours. Your hands became tangled into the mans soft hair
All you wanted was more of him, even pressed against him it didn't feel close enough. Then, an image popped into your head. The image of lev... you softly pushed kei away from yourself, the moment of heated passion dissipating.
You rested your forehead against his, letting out a shaky breath you didn't realize you'd been holding.
"Kei I uh... I think I have some things I need to figure out."

Stepping away from the man, you noticed your car pulling up. "I'm gonna go... talk soon, okay?"
"Yeah.." he mumbled, unable to look you in the eyes.

I walked into my apartment, setting my things onto the counter.
'What the hell am I gonna do?!'
My eyes were drawn to the vase of flowers on my counter.
Azaleas representing love and gentleness
And daffodils representing new beginnings...
So what one do I want? The same comfortable, gentle love that Tsukki always gave me or the new beginning that lev is offering me.
And did that kiss even mean anything or was he just tipsy and acting stupid and impulsive?!

'I need to see him, I need to talk to him.'
You picked up your phone, finding the right contact and clicking call.
"Y/n, hey."

[to be continued]

Ode to the old us - Tsukkishima x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now