3. Moving on..

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Authors note: the picture at the top is yuri and her girlfriend Aoi ^^

Song: iris by Chris Lanzon

Three days have passed since I first met with yuri. The two of us had texted quite a bit since then. Yuri wanted me to meet her coworker so I could decide whether or not I liked him. So me, yuri, her girlfriend, and her coworker planned to all meet at a museum then go out for drinks.
Walking up the steps of the museum, a wave of realization hit me.
The last time I went to a museum was...

____[second person]_____

"Darling are we allowed to be here after hours?" You asked, following Kei who held your hand and pulled you along throughout the museum.
"Nobody can stop us, and they trusted me to close up so why not?"
You chuckled at Kei's carefree nature, something he'd worked on a lot since you'd first met.
"So, are you gonna tell me all about the exhibits?" You asked with a smirk.
"that depends, do you really want to hear me ramble about history for an endless amount of time?"
"On second thought let's do that another time." You replied, making Kei laugh.
"Well then..." Kei started, picking up his phone. You noticed the begining notes of 'iris' floating throughout the halls. "Care for a dance?"
You gave the man a soft chuckle, wrapping your arms around his neck. "I thought you'd never ask."

_____[first person]______

That was right after we'd gotten engaged, how did things change so drastically?

I gathered myself and took a deep breath, opening the doors to the large building.
It didn't take long to spot yuri, dyed hair and admittedly out of place clothing made she and her girlfriend distinguishable from the general public.
I hadn't met Aoi yet, but yuri spoke quite highly of the woman. She wore pastel clothing and had long blue hair with grey undertones. Models certainly do stand out in a crowd.

I approached the girls with a smile. Greeting yuri and introducing myself to Aoi.
"My coworker will be here any minute, I think you'll really like him! He's sweet funny and attractive." Yuri chimed, Aoi enthusiastically nodded along.

"Oh! There he is now!" She beamed, looking towards the door. I turned to see...
Lev gave me a sweet smile. "Hey y/n! It's been a long time, how have you been?"
"I've been good, and you?"
"Also good, I'm a model now! Well I guess Yuri probably told you that already..." he moved his gaze to Yuri and Aoi, giving the girls a polite smile. Yuri only chuckled. "I take it you two have met?" She asked
"Yep, I managed for karasunos volleyball team in high school and we used to play against Lev's team!" I explained

______[second person]______

The rest of the day went by smoothly, the four of you walked around the museum for a few hours then went out for a few drinks. You and lev ended up talking much more than you expected; and caught up on your lives since high school.
"So Yuri, Aoi, how did you two meet?" You inquired. You noticed the girls share a fond look
'they look so infatuated with each other, I want to have that with someone... again.'
"Aoi and I were put on a job together and had great chemistry so the agency started pairing us up more often. In all honesty I wouldn't have changed much after high school if Aoi and I hadn't met." Yuri had the most affectionate smile on her face as she talked about her girlfriend.

Aoi continued where Yuri left off. "I had a bit of a crush on Yuri already. So after we were paired up a few times I decided to ask her on a date. Things have been going great since then! We even moved in together recently!" The girl beamed, giving her girlfriends hand a gentle squeeze.
"Speaking of... You guys mind if we leave a bit early? Aoi and I have a shoot in the morning."
"No worries that's fine, text me when you get home safely alright?" You replied with a soft smile.
"Of course!" Aoi chimed.

Once Aoi and Yuri left, you and lev chatted for a while longer to finish your drinks.
"So y/n, do you mind if I walk you home?" The man asked.
I gave him a soft smile. "I'd like that."

______[first person]______

The two of us walked down the street, cool air creating a calming atmosphere.
"You know, I still can't believe you're running a famous bakery now!" Lev beamed.
"Famous is an overstatement... especially coming from the one who became a model!"
"Modeling isn't that impressive though!" He argued "you just have to look pretty and strike poses!" Lev began posing at random... what a dork. "you started your own business, that's so cool!" I chuckled at his excitement, despite all of the obvious changes, lev was certainly still the same excitable dork I'd met 9 years ago.

Much to my displeasure, my apartment wasn't a far walk. We made it there quite soon and I found myself dreading the goodbye. Though before I walked inside, Lev spoke again.
"Hey uh, I completely understand if you don't want to... but would you want to go on a date sometime? Just the two of us..?"
I couldn't help the smile that tugged at my lips, nor the fondness that tugged at my heart strings. "I'd really like that Lev. Text me the details 'Kay?"
"Of course!" He chimed.

Walking inside, I leaned against the door, sliding down to the cold ground below me. My hands made their way to my heated cheeks... I just couldn't help feeling this way, this was the first time I felt any spark with another person since Kei...
Maybe these feelings are stupid, maybe this won't become anything real. But maybe... just maybe, I'm finally moving on...

[to be continued]

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