6. Glad I met you

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[Authors note: Just wanna say before you read this chapter l/n means last name
Also school in this starts at 8:30
And look how cute and squishy baby tsukki is in that picture!
Anyways I really hope you enjoy chapter 6 <3]

[Tuesday morning]

You woke up, well rested for once in your life
'Did I wake up before my alarm? That's new'
Grabbing the phone from your nightstand to check the time.


'Fuck... I didn't set my alarm. school started half an hour ago.'
You jumped out of bed and got changed, booking it out of the house
'My teacher is gonna kill me...' you thought as you ran down the street towards your school.
You reached your classroom, waiting outside of class for a moment to catch your breath.

You checked your phone.  '9:30... I'm an hour late....'
You noticed a text from noya.

Rolling thunder: hey y/n! I'm feeling a bit better but I'm gonna be home sick again, don't get in trouble today! I should be able to come back to class tomorrow

'Noyas still gone... today couldn't get any worse...'
You walked into class hoping to go unnoticed
"Ah, Look who decided to show up, you're an hour late L/n."  your teacher said, looking at you
"yeah I'm sorry ma'am, I forgot to set my alarm.."

"Hmm... as punishment you'll be cleaning the classroom after school today"
"Yes ma'am..."
'Well... I've proven myself wrong, I guess today can get worse.'
You sat down at your seat and looked at nishinoyas empty chair
'Please be back tomorrow noya...'
'Today sucks today sucks today sucks... I just want school to end already'

"Can't believe the statue was an hour
late... how stupid is she?"
You heard your classmate joking to her friends who were now laughing, she clearly wanted you to hear her... so much for subtlety.
The girl glanced over to you with a snide smile.
"Yeah, It's because you're always so Stone faced. it's like you don't have a personality, just a boring statue!" she chimed.

'They want a reaction, they want you to yell, or cry, or anything... don't give them what they want. stay calm, breathe, and don't loose your temper.'
"Kind of a weak nickname Yuri, next time use try using your brain to make an insult, that is... if you have one"
you kept your tone emotionless and held a poker face as you walked away

Before leaving you glanced back to Yuri who was clearly annoyed
'Serves her right...'

[time skip//after school]

You finally finished cleaning the classroom and made your way to the school gym
'Hopefully tsukki is here'
Approaching the gym, you heard shoes squeaking and volleyballs hitting the ground.
'practice is still going' you smiled to yourself slightly as you walked into the gym.

You could feel the weight lifting off of your shoulders as you saw Tsukki. but Yuris voice still echoed in your mind.
Once practice came to an end, you walked up to tsukki. Gently tugging on his sleeve to get his attention.
"Walk home with me?" You asked
Tsukki shot you a fond smile "sure"

A loud voice interjected
'I've heard that voice...?'
You turned to see a short, orange haired boy. the very same boy who ran into you the other day.
'Oh right.. I guess I should apologize to him'
"You're the one who ran into me the other day right?"
You asked, trying to sound friendly.

"Uh.. y-yeah... I'm sorry about that" He chuckled with a nervous smile.
"Oh n-no you don't need to apologize!actually that's what I wanted to do, I'm sorry for scaring you like that."

Ode to the old us - Tsukkishima x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now