14. The end <3

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[authors note: ahhh woah ok the story is probably ending here... crazy... Iv really enjoyed this story and I'm super exited to start on the next one! I hope you've liked it too! My next story will be a soulmate AU kuroo x reader 👉👈]

[Sunday morning]

You woke up still burying your face into Tsukkis chest
'What time is it..?'
You ignored the bright morning light shining into your eyes. grabbed your phone to check the time
'8:35... We should get up, we're meeting dad at 10.'
You lightly shook Tsukki awake, receiving a sleepy smile.
"Mornin' shortcake" his voice was gravelly in the mornings... cute!
You smiled back
"Morning kei... it's time to get up, we have an hour and a half to get ready"

"5 more minutes... I'm comfy, and you're warm."
You chuckled, mumbling an "alright" before nuzzling back into tsukkis chest.
'What did I do to deserve someone so perfect?'
After another 5 minutes, the two of you got up and changed. Heading off to the café not long after.

Before stepping into the café, you froze. Only now was the reality of the situation fully setting in...
'I'm about to see my dad... what has it been? two years? last time he came back for about a month then left again... I'm not giving him the chance to leave me like that again...'
Tsukki looked at you, a bit confused as to why you stopped moving.
He looked down to see your hands shaking.

"Shortcake, you alright?" Kei asked with a distressful tone.
"What if I can't do it..."
Tsukkis gaze soften and he rested a hand on your shoulder.
"I promise you can. you're probably the strongest person Iv ever met, if anyone could do this it's you."
Before you could respond Tsukki hugged you. "it'll be ok y/n"
You took a deep breath and opened the door.

You saw your dad at a table, and completely ignored his waving.
You and Tsukki both ordered drinks and walked to the table.
"I'm glad you came sweetheart." He smiled warmly at you
'After everything he's done... he's smiling like he's some regular dad?!'
You kept a deadpan face "do not call me that. I came so you would leave me alone."

"A-alright, y/n... I know you don't want to be here but please let me get to know you, you're so grown up now, last I remember you were a little kid..." He laughed trying to lighten the mood
"And whos fault is that?" You replied through a terse tone.
You felt Tsukkis hand lightly squeeze your leg and he looked at you, a soft, sad, expression on his face. You tried your best to give kei a smile though it was difficult to ignore the anxiety, gradually overwhelming you.

"Fine! if you want to get to know me... I'm a high school second year, at the top of my class, and I'm a volleyball club manager."
Your father gave you a strange look, chuckling to hide his clear regret and discomfort.
"Well that sounded more like a resume than a conversation with your dad, but I'm lucky to even get that after what I've done..."
'Damnit! damnit! damnit! this is the same stupid guilt trip crap he said last time! he hasn't changed and he never will!'

Your dad took notice of the annoyed look plastered on your face, quick to change the subject. "Anyways, y/n, who's this boy?" He asked, suspiciously looking to Tsukkishima.
"This is my boyfriend, Kei Tsukkishima, and before you delude yourself into thinking you have the right to say a damn thing about him, you should know, he's the only reason I'm meeting you today."
He looked quite taken aback for a moment, shifting right back to the polite and guilty father routine.
"I-I see.. thank you Tsukkishima"

"Of course." Tsukki kept a rather blank face too, you could tell he wasn't s fan of your father
Your dad continued to try and make conversation, only receiving short, bland, or snarky answers from you and Tsukki.
Eventually the clock struck 11 and the most awkward hour of your life had finally ended

Ode to the old us - Tsukkishima x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now