Chapter 12

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The silence in the room was deafening that one could hear an embroidery needle being dropped to the stone floor. The guards, expertly trained to obey their King's orders and to keep an impassive facade at the palace's ongoings, had a hard time restraining their expressions.

Baron Rodrick let out a whimper, too shocked to register that he had soiled his pants at the reveal of his opponent.

Peering down at him, Annabeth was breathing easily, triumphant in her win.

Hidden in the shadows, Percy couldn't help but smile, thinking how Annabeth looked absolutely stunning in her armor.

Meanwhile, Jason was calmly sipping his tea like he expected nothing less.

And lastly, hidden above the receiving room in an alcove and out to see the fun, Piper held out her hand as Leo placed a few coins in her palm.

"Damn, I thought he was going to last longer than that." Leo grumbled. "Was a full two minutes too much to ask for?"

"You should have believed Annabeth when she said she'll have him on the ground in ninety seconds flat." Piper tsked as she pocketed the coins.

"Beauty Queen, you're about to become a real queen, you don't need those coins!"

Below them, Baron Rodrick seemed to have recovered his lost tongue. "Your Highness, how can this be? How can she participate in the duel? I was not allowed to substitute for my guard but the Earl can? What kind of man allows a woman to fight for him? What a cowardly bastard!"

"Ahem." Before Annabeth could retort, a female voice coughed. The baron shrank back as Lady Reyna, the other head of the Crown Prince's personal royal guard, stepped forward from her silent vanguard at the crown prince's side. Her eyes glinted as fiercely as an eagle's. "Do I take your words to mean that a female cannot be talented in the sword?" She rested a hand on her sword hilt.

Rodrick knew the tales of the brave Lady Reyna, one of the few female knights to rise high in power due to her skills on the battlefield. ", not at all. What I meant that it was unfair that I could not substitute myself."

"Go ahead and try. I'll defeat whoever you send out," Annabeth said coolly.

Prince Jason set down his teacup and beckoned his butler to serve him another cup. "As I recall, there are no rules saying the marriage candidate cannot step in herself, considering the duel is about her."

"But Your Highness-"

"Take it up with the council if you want to change the rules. This discussion is no more." Prince Jason said with a note of finality. "For gods' sake, Baron Rodrick, please do not deprive yourself of your dignity." Or what remains of it, he thought quietly.

The hapless baron looked down, as if just noticing his soiled state. Seeing the crowd against him, Baron Rodrick concluded that anything else he said or did would only worsen his tattered reputation. He turned around to hide his contempt and fury.

"And Baron Rodrick?" Prince Jason called out. Baron Rodrick looked back. "If I hear word that the council is receiving bribes from you, then today you will not have just lost Annabeth's hand. You will lose your head."

The baron clanked clumsily out the receiving room, with his tail between his legs.

Annabeth grinned as Percy came up to her. Uncaring about her armor, he pulled her close in an embrace.

"You were absolutely fantastic!" He laughed.

"Thank you." Indeed, there was a thrill she felt when she knocked away her opponent's sword. Beyond strength, the baron's sword skills were laughable. No wonder he wanted to have someone substitute him. Besides, the main reason why Annabeth wanted to personally fight was because she didn't want to feel like a trophy, someone to be obtained.

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