Chapter 2

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A/N: You know the deal. Enjoy!


She pulled back from him to an appropriate distance and curtsied. The Earl of Atlantis gave his customary bow in return, not spilling a drop of wine from his wineglass.

"It is a pleasure be acquainted with you, my lady."

"Thank you, Your Grace."

"No need to thank me. It is not often a beautiful woman falls into my arms so prettily."

The blonde woman's expression stiffened slightly. Ah, so she didn't like the meaningless adulation the nobility placed upon each other. Percy made a note to remember that.

"But I should be the one to apologize for startling you and causing you to fall in the first place. I hope I haven't caused you too much distress."

The lady slowly grinned. "That's true. You are at fault for startling me."

Percy blinked at the woman's bluntness. His interactions with other women had him expect either one of two outcomes. One where they would throw themselves upon him or the other where they would hide and cower if they believed the nasty rumors about him.

This new outcome was unpredictable but refreshing.

"But what I meant to thank you was for helping to keep the Olympian Kingdom safe and for bringing Crown Prince Jason home. I hope my cousin hasn't given you too much trouble."

Ah, so this was Jason's favorite cousin. "Not at all. It is my honor to fight alongside Crown Prince Jason. It is just as much of a pleasure to meet the Lady Annabeth. His Highness has talked quite a bit about you."

"Has he?" A golden eyebrow arched over her clear grey eyes. What a beautiful color, those striking grey eyes. "And what has he said about me?"

Percy grinned. He had been a common soldier in the Atlantis Empire when he had met Prince Jason. Although the two had butted heads at first, they had naturally developed a strong friendship. Jason was straightforward, honest, and loyal, all traits Percy could see essential in a future Emperor. Jason often talked about his home and friends, such as those about his favorite sister, Thalia, and his first love Piper. But Percy remembered the stories of the cousin Annabeth the most.

A noblewoman who once dueled two gentleman? A woman who liked designing things? How interesting. Most people would call her unladylike, but Percy liked the unconventional. High class life was dull and the mysterious Lady Annabeth was a gem indeed. High society should always need someone to keep them up on their toes.

"He did tell me about the time his cousin locked two of her suitors in a closet, out gambled a third until he lost nearly all of his family's fortune, and nearly shot a fourth with her horrible archery skills," he teased.

Lady Annabeth flushed, the pink color quite becoming on her cheeks. "To be fair, I told Lord Taron that I had no talent for the bow and arrow. He insisted on 'teaching' me."

"Then he was a fool for not believing you."

Percy observed the woman in front of him as he sipped his wine. Soft golden curls trailed over her shoulders like a picture frame. Her posture was straight and proud, so she was likely quite confident in herself but not to the point of arrogance. Quite pretty too, with those striking grey eyes dancing with mirth. And everything was all neatly packaged in a stunning blue silk dress that brought out her slender silhouette.

"You know, most people wouldn't bring up a lady's past," Lady Annabeth said dryly. "Unless your social etiquette has gone rusty through your time on the battlefields."

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