Chapter One

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" Come on Izuku!" I laughed, dragging Izuku into the back garden. Our moms both smiled as they drank tea, watching as the three of us played football together. " Catch it Izuku!" Katsuki yelled, kicking the ball to Izuku, who caught it making us all cheer in celebration. Katsuki wrapped his arms around our necks, pulling us in close as we all laughed. The three of us were inseparable, anywhere Katsuki and I went, we always made sure to bring Izuku along with us. That was before we developed our quirks, Katsuki was the first out of the three of us to develop his quirk, making Izuku and I jealous but amazed.

" Woah that's amazing Katsuki!" I yelled in awe, staring at my big brothers hands. " I'm sure your quirk will be just like mine Akina!" Katsuki smiled at me " I wonder what quirk you'll get Izuku?" " I don't know but I'm super excited. We can all be hero's like All Might!" " Yeah!" We all cheered. I was next to develop my quirk, I had the exact same quirk as Katsuki, so it wasn't as special but it was still amazing. Our teachers praised us in school, telling us we had such a good quirk and that together we could do our own hero agency, the first to be run by twins with the same quirk.

Katsuki loved the idea, telling everyone we were gonna be hero's together. Sadly Izuku never developed a quirk and when Katsuki found out, he wasn't nice about it. " Ha your so useless even your body rejects you, Deku" Katsuki laughed, sending small explosions into the air. " Stop it Katsuki!" I yelled as Deku cried on the ground " Izuku are you okay?" I asked, putting my small hand out for him to hold. " I'm okay, thanks Akina" He cried, grabbing my hand as I helped him stand up. " Don't listen to him Izuku, Katsuki's just being a bully" " Oi! You can't say that about your own blood!" " Yes I can! Izuku's been our friend for years. You can't be mean to him just because he didn't get a quirk!".

" Whatever, Deku's just a loser. Since I've got the coolest quirk that makes me the boss!" " We have the same quirk Katsuki!". " Well I'm older which means I'm in charge, and I say we're not friends with that nerd anymore". Katsuki grabbed my arm and dragged me away, leaving Izuku crying on the floor. But I still remained friends with Izuku, no matter what my stupid brother said or did. Izuku was my friend and always would be, no matter what.


" Come on Akina, just apply to UA already!" Katsuki yelled at me " No! I don't want to be a hero" " But what about our goal?" " That was your goal, I never said I wanted to be a hero". " Your applying for UA and that's final!" " Katsuki stop yelling at your sister! If she doesn't want to be a hero then she doesn't have to be!" Mom yelled at him " Our goal was to have our own agency together. I can't do that without her dammit!" " Katsuki I'm not interested in being a hero, besides they're not gonna accept two people with the same quirk". Katsuki growled in anger, slamming his fists against the table " Just apply and see what happens!" " Katsuki for the love of God!".

I sighed in lay back in my chair, " Hey Akina!" My friend called " Hey Sino, you apply to all your chosen high schools?" I asked " Yeah just finished. I heard you signed up for UA, I thought you didn't want to go". " That bastard!" I stormed out of my class, and stormed the halls looking for Katsuki. I eventually found him and grabbed him by his collar " I told you I didn't want to go to UA!" " I said just to see what happened!" " I can't believe you Katsuki! Your such a dick!". Katsuki growled and slammed me into the wall " Stop being an idiot! I know you want to be a hero. Who cares if we have the same quirk, doesn't mean we have to use them the same way, or have the same skills. Come on its been our dream for years, at least try" I sighed in defeat " Fine, but if I don't get in then don't get mad. The only reason I didn't want to apply is because we have the same quirk and I've never heard of UA allowing this".

After school I waited back for Katsuki so we could walk home together, I walked into the classroom as he burnt Izuku's notebook. " If you wanna be a hero so bad then take a Swan dive off the roof. Maybe you'll be lucky enough to be bron with a quirk in your next life". " Katsuki!!" I yelled, pushing past him and throwing my arms about Izuku, " Izuku don't listen to him, don't even think about what he said. You're perfect just the way you are". Katsuki grabbed my arm and dragged us out of the school, I pulled my arm out of his grip and smacked him across the face " How could you say that to him?!" I yelled, tears pricking my eyes " How could you tell him to kill himself? He's our friend" " Stupid Deku isn't my friend" " I can't believe you'd say something like that to him. I can't believe you'd say that to anyone. What kind of person are you?".

Katsuki rolled his eyes and kept walking " How can you even think about being a hero after telling someone to kill themselves? Your sick" " Shut up! Let's just go home already, idiot". I pushed past Katsuki, if I'm going home then I'm going home by myself. I walked faster than him and his friends, stopping at the edge of a small market ally after he yelled after me. A huge shadow hung over me and I couldn't help but scream when the goo like creature took over my leg. " Let my sister go!" Katsuki yelled, sending an explosion at the creature " Oh explosions? I like your quirk" it said before it started taking over Katsuki.

The creature let me go as it slowly started to take over Katsuki, " No! Katsuki" I yelled sending my own explosions at the villian. It wrapped its goo around my arms and mouth, preventing me from attacking it. It held me up in the air as it slowly pulled Katsuki into its body. Pro hero's started to arrive, but none of them had quirks that could help with this sort of villain, even the new hero Mt. Lady couldn't help us. It seemed like Katsuki and I were doomed, no matter how hard we tried to fight against it, it pulled us back harder. That's when I noticed Izuku staring at us in fright " Kacchan! Akichan!" Izuku yelled as he suddenly started sprinting at us, throwing his school bag at the villain, blinding him for a few seconds.

Izuku started clawing at the villain, trying desperately to save Katsuki before All Might suddenly appeared. Grabbing onto the three of us and punching the villian. " It's alright because I am here!" He yelled out " Izuku!" I pulled him in for a hug " Why did you do that? You could have died!" " I wasn't going to stand back and let you die. Your my friend Akina" " I'm so glad your safe, don't do that again. You had me so worried" " I'm just glad your safe too Akina".

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