From the depths of Hades🔥

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Falak stared at the note in her hand with a small frown

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Falak stared at the note in her hand with a small frown. Simmi found someone so fast?
It had been three days since she had the talk with her cousins and now it was the weekend Hogsmeade visit time.
Today is going to be purely professional. I will not get distracted by chocolaty goodness or those delicious creamy nougat chunks. And I will definitely not think about those creamy hot chocolates. Nope. Focus Falak, you've got to focus.Falak thought as she sipped on a cup of milk chai and watched Dorcas and Alice rummage through her closet and reject every piece she owned.
She had told them about the letter the next morning, when she had woken up to both of them staring down at her as she slept, giving her a mini heart attack. Dorcas had laughed at her misery and pointed out that if she would've gone out of her comfort zone and explored her choices she wouldn't need to have lied. On the other hand Alice had shed a tear saying Falak should be free to make her own decisions and would Dorcas not laugh at her friend's expense and Falak had been grateful for the kind girl.
Right now they were helping her choose a complete outfit for Falak's 'business date' as Dorcas had called it. And as she had dug deeper in her friends closet, Dorcas was dismayed. "These pinstriped pants?" She said holding up a brown trouser, "where did you get these? And this furry shawl? The lost and found box?"
Falak rolled her eyes. "They were in the sixty percent discount aisle. You can't blame me."
"I wouldn't buy these for free, they've got to go."
"Don't! I'll give you one of them as a Christmas present. Cheap and somewhat fashionable ?"
In response to Falak's teasing Dorcas threw a pillow at her which she effectively dodged and laughed.
Alice popped her head between them, "what about we search Dorcas' closet now? I'm sure we'll find something there."
"Can we go and eat lunch first?" Falak asked and her stomach did a little growl in agreement.
Dorcas and Alice turned to stare at her. "No. We are not leaving this room until you're all doll- I mean dressed for you date."
"But Timmy's hungry." Falak pouted at her.
Alice snorted at her, "stole referring to your stomach as Timmy, Falak. One of these days you're....."
"Going to end up in a mental asylum." Dorcas completed, earning a glare from Falak. "Don't worry Alice and I will be right there, bunking with you."
This earned a small smile from the brunette as she tugged at one of Dorcas' black curl. "Lunch?" She asked again and Dorcas rolled her eyes and sighed. "Fine. But," she held up a finger, "you cannot stress eat. Just some light salad or something, or you'll get a bloat and NO dress will look good."
"Salad and chocolate pudding ?"
"Salad and one cinnamon roll."
*•* *•* *•*
Two hours and thirty five minutes later, with fifteen minutes to three, Falak emerged from the bathroom, fully dressed. Dorcas whistled, making her blush a light pink and Alice gave her peck on her cheek as she smoothed her top. Falak twirled for them and gave a deep bow.
"What are you two doing?" She asked. Normally the three of them always went to Hogsmeade together unless one of them had a date.
"I have a detention for 'inappropriate clothing choice'" Dorcas muttered making Alice hit her shoulder lightly.
"Professor Flitwick called us in his office and she wore her flimsy see through top."
"It's currently the newest fashion trend in the muggle world!" Dorcas protested weakly.
"I'll take your word for it. But for now I have to go before I'm late." Falak said giving both the girls a side hug and opening the door.
"You got this sweet-bottoms!" She heard Dorcas smoky voice as she stepped out of the common room. Falak smiled as she made her way down to the grounds from where she would take the carriage to the village.
She couldn't have done this without her two friends at her side. She smoothed her skirt and tucked a tiny strand of her hair behind her ear. In the end Falak wore a white, bell sleeved sweater which they got from Alice's wardrobe which she tucked in a high waist black skirt that ended just above her mid thigh, which Falak found in her own closet and paired it with black over-the-knees boots from Dorcas' extensive shoes collection. Alice had tied her hair in a picked up loose braid that laid on her right shoulder. To complete the look she paired it with a small black and golden side purse.
Falak greeted McGonagall, showed her the permission slip to Hogsmeade and made her way to the carriages that were pulled seemingly by invisible forces. She got in one of the carriage occupied by a couple who were busy osculating and coughed at the scene. The couple ignored her and continued their activity. When the boy's hand slipped further under the girls shirt Falak was relieved to see they had reached Hogsmeade. She got out of the carriage just as it stopped and regained her balance before she slipped.
Hogsmeade was a picturesque all wizards village where the Hogswart station was located. It had dainty cottages and quaint shops with festive decorations depending on the holidays.
Falak, like any other sane person, loved Hogsmeade and would eagerly wait every week for the visits so she could visit Honeydukes, the aesthetically and mood pleasing candy shop, the three Broomsticks, the popular inn and club among the students and the cozy little bookshop situated in a little nook with a sweet lady handing out free muffins. She had some not-so-good memories too, most of her which included dates gone terribly wrong, inevitably leading to heart break.
Falak walked down the street by passing boys hanging around, girls giggling and couples walking hand in hand and past the three broomsticks, where people are crowding in and past awkward girls and boys on their first date.
The yellow board of Honeydukes stands out and Falak enters giddily and after greeting Mr.Drooble makes her way to the chocolates aisle.
For Falak,  Honeydukes was a heaven but her main object of affection were the Ghost Nuts Chocolate and Fudge bars where each bite led to chocolate explosions in her mouth along with chewy nougats and roasted almonds. All of Falak's favorite flavors in one bite. From when she was eleven she would save enough money to at least buy two of them as they were expensive, and would hide them in her secret stash for later. So today when she didn't see Simmi anywhere, she saw the last bar of Ghost Nuts, she made a dash for it and as she went to grab it someone stepped between the chocolates and her.
"Falak, where the hell have you been, loca?" Falak winced at Simran's loud voice before grinning at the Twilight reference. She dodged her and grabbed the last bar before pumping her fist in the air as if she won the Olympics.

Many chocolates later, Falak and Simran left Honeydukes-Falak additionally with a happy stomach and empty purse- to meet Amos Diggory, Falak's hot date, as Simmi had called him.
Falak only knew Amos from her potions class and he seemed nice, though very popular in the ladies department, so how Simmi got him to on a date with her, Falak didn't knew.
"He's a good actor...well he definitely looks like one so that's good enough. And he's hot, like from-the-depths-of-Hades-hot." Simran said as they walked towards the three broomsticks.
Falak snorted, "Depths-of-Hades-Hot? Seriously?"
Simran ignored her teasing and raised a brow. "Are you ready?"
"Good. He's sitting right besides the window, on the left side."
"You're not coming?" Falak asked dismayed.
Simran shook her head. "I have a detention date with Sluggy. See you later." With that she gave Falak an air kiss on her cheek and walked away, with a sway in her hips as Falak watched with an expression of a lost puppy.
"Great. Now do I greet him with a Hello or a Howdy-doody, Waddup brah!"

 Now do I greet him with a Hello or a Howdy-doody, Waddup brah!"

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Nothing to see here fellas,
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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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