.The. One. Where. It. All. Began.

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One lie leads to another.
And another.
And another one.
Then another until it's all a tangle of lies' with no way out.
Falak Singhania knew this. Of course she did. Her mother always told her that there is a price to pay for speaking the truth. There is a bigger piece for living a lie.
Did Falak follow the advice when she was caught sneaking out of the house after her curfew?
Did she follow the advice when she was caught in the act of nosing around the guest cabinet?
Did she follow the advice when she got caught smoking a cigarette?
Did she follow the advice when she wrote back to her daado and Ammi about her relationship with a British boy?
A relationship that didn't exist.
A British boy who was fictional.
Did Tom Holland count? She guessed not.

Falak was aware of her cousins intense gaze on her as she sat at the Ravenclaw table, gently shifting the vegetables around her plate. She kept her gaze down, making sure to avoid contact with one particular Gryffindor.
Dorcas Meadows, one of her best friend, took a look around the Great Hall and narrowed her blue eyes at her best friend who had been unusually quiet. "Fabi, why the hell are your cousins staring at us like they'll zap us any moment? On the other hand, I totally don't mind Firoz staring at me like he's going to de.......," the rest of her sentence was cut when Falak shoved a piece of bread in her mouth and pined her with a glare.
"Dorcas, for the hundredth time, we do not talk about my cousins that way. I have enough mental pictures of Firoz Bhai, thanks to you!"
Falak turned to the third member of their trio for help. Alice Mclaggen, the shyest girl at Hogwarts, was the peace maker of their group, unlike Falak and Dorcas, who often teased each other relentlessly. Alice was a dainty girl with cream blonde hair tumbling down her back in waves and green round eyes hid behind a pair of circular glasses. But her heart was reserved for the captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, a boy she thought she was invisible to.
Alice nodded along with Falak, "she's right Dorcas, and besides, we lived with Firoz for like two whole weeks last summer. In the same house." The sentence had an opposite effect than intended to. A dreamy smile graced Dorcas' red, painted lips as she leaned on her elbows. "How could I forget that? Remember the time he came down shirtless with his hair all messy and his pants hanging so low that I could almost......." she sighed before looking up at Falak with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
Falak banged her head on the table and came up clutching her forehead in pain.
"Why are your cousins staring at you so intensely? What happened, Falak?"
"I did something bad, amateurish, lamentable, third-rate!"
"You're not pregnant are you?" Alice asked the same time Dorcas exclaimed "You murdered someone."
Falak smiled dryly, "I'm overwhelmed by the love and faith both of you are showering me with right now."
"So you don't need help in hiding a body." Dorcas asked teasingly.
Falak smiled calmly in return, "if I do murder someone you won't be there to help me hide the body. Because guess what? The body will be yours."

Falak glanced at her cousins, knowing what they were trying to tell her with their eyes. 'We need to talk. Right now.' She pointed her thumb towards the Great Hall's entrance and held up five fingers, letting them know she'll meet them in five minutes.
Then turning her attention to her two friends she sighed, "I'll tell you guys everything once my head clears a little. I promise."
Dorcas gave her hand a little pat. "I promise I'll help you hide any body."
Alice leaned and gave her a peck on the cheek. "We'll wait for you in the dorms."
Falak smiled at the two girls she had grown to love like her sisters for the past five five years. They had been inseparable since the day they had met in detention. Falak had been insecure about going out of her comfort zone and making new friends but then Dorcas had come along like a storm and dragged her out to live her best life. Then they had met Alice, who had taken her time to adopt to them. They had their banters and quarrels over the years but in the end they came out stronger and wiser than before.
Falak thanked her lucky stars everyday for having Alice and Dorcas by her side to make everything better.

The Sanskari British Boyfriend >>A Sirius Black fanfic Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin