chapter 1

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Nora's POV*

"I'll see you tomorrow have a good night, Jeremy!" I called out as I grabbed my stuff and headed out of the doors. I checked my watch to see that it was way past the time I was supposed to be home and I had did another late night. I pulled out my phone as I walked and saw I had two miss calls from my boyfriend, Carter and a text from my sister, Ashley. I dont talk to my sister much anymore. She always getting in trouble and I used to get her out of it everytime until I moved from New Jersey to New York city. She is a magnet for bad luck. It was just her personality.

I didn't care about what she had to say anymore so I just slid the notification away and put my phone in bag and continued to walk down the street. The sun had already gone down and the only light on the sidewalks were the streets lights and the headlights from the car going past me. A few people walked past me as I walked to the subway. Once I was on the train in subway I pulled my phone back out and dialed Carter's number and called. It rang and rang until i was sent to voicemail. That was strange, he always picked up. Maybe he was in the shower or he was already a sleep. I sighed and put my phone back in my bag and waited until my stop came up.

I got off of the train and walked to my apartment. I unlocked the door and slowly walked inside and was quiet just in case he was asleep. As soon as I was fully inside something felt strange. I put my stuff down on the counter and headed down the hall. At first I didn't notice anything wrong but as soon as I got to the end of the hall at the door of my bedroom I saw a piece of clothing. I bent and picked it up to see that it was a tank top. Huh? I dont remember leaving any of my clothes around on the floor when I left today and it definitely wasnt Carter's. I walked slowly into my bedroom while looking down at the floor to see a pair of shorts and panties. Those were definitely not mine. I instantly looked up to see Carter in bed with another woman. I gasped at what I was seeing. He instantly opened his eyes and looked up at me. He quickly got up and covered his naked body, pulling the covers off of the bed showing a naked woman with her face down and covered.

"Nora! It's not what it looks like!" He said quickly.

"What the hell, Carter!"

"I'm so sorry, Nora. Please let me explain." He pleaded.

"Who is she, Carter!"

"Carter, what's going on?" The woman in the bed said and she sat up and moved her dark black hair out of her face. I immediately knew who she was.

"Please just let me explain, Nora." Carter pleaded again.

"My sister! You slept with my sister! What fuck is wrong with you!" I yelled pointing at my sister.

"Nora-" Carter started but I cut him off.

"No! Get the hell out!"


"Get the fuck out of my apartment, both of you! Now!" I yelled pointing to the door.

"Please let me explain, Nora." Carter said. I walked to him and grabbed him by his arm and pulled him to bedroom door.

"Out or I'll call the cops!" I yelled at him and he grabbed his clothes off of the floor and practically ran out of the apartment. Once he was gone I grabbed my sister by her arm and picked up her clothes and then pulled her to the front door. "I cant believe you! I've put my whole life on hold to raise you after our parents died! I've bailed you out everytime you needed me!"

"Get over yourself! Dont act like you did me any favors!"

"Are you kidding me?!" I stopped and opened the door. "I did everything for you! I kept you alive and gave you a childhood!"

"Yeah whatever." She said and rolled her eyes.

"You just had to have everything I did. I cant even be surprised that you slept with my boyfriend can I? You've done this before. You never liked that fact that I could be happy so you have to ruin it. You always wanted my life."

"I did not! Go fuck yourself Nora!" And with that she took her stuff out of my hands and walked out of the door completely naked still.

"Dont come back you ungrateful bitch!" I yelled as I watched her walk away. When I could no longer see her I slammed the door and locked it.

Anger consumed me and I no longer had control of myself. I grabbed the bottle of liquor from the cabinet and took a big drink of it and sat it down on the counter. I walked to the bedroom and grabbed all of Carter's clothes from the dressers and opened the door to the balcony and threw all of his clothes off the balcony. Then I went to the closet and and grabbed all of his clothes and shoes and threw those off the balcony too. I shut the door and then ripped off all the sheets off of the bed and carried them to the washer and threw them in and started the washer. I grabbed the bottle and sat down on the white leather couch.

I put my feet to and turned on the tv. I put on some random show and drink the rest of the bottle. How could he do this to me? He was supposed to be my forever. He slept with my fucking sister knowing how I felt about her! I hope he caught an STD from that bitch. I know what my mother would tell me if I told her about this, she would tell me that I should forgive her because shes been through a lot and shes still my sister. Fuck that. My mom is dead and she cant tell me anything. Ashley may be my sister by blood but shes never been my sister. I'm tired of people giving her excuses, my father always told me that blood is thicker than water and that I should always look out for her. Maybe if he didnt have that mindset he and mom would still be alive. But they're not. They both are 6 feet in the ground and theres nothing they can say now. My sister as always tried to ruin things for me. Always getting in trouble, always bringing me into her mess of a life. And somehow it would always be my fault. Oh I didnt raise her right or I didnt give her enough love as a child or I took all the attention from her.

I got up from the couch and went to the kitchen and grabbed another bottle of liquor and a bottle of red wine. I wasnt really a wine person but I got this as a gift from a friend and seeing how this night was going to be I might as well drink it. I took the bottles to the couch and sat back down. I kicked off my shoes and grabbed the throw blanket and covered myself and got comfortable. I felt broken. Me and Carter were together for 3 years. He was the first person I met here in New York. I ran into him in a coffee shop and I spilled his drink all over him. I tried to help him clean it up when I slipped and grabbed onto him and we both fell. We laughed so hard on the floor and he gave me his number and helped me through everything. I thought he was the one. He helped me get this apartment and he showed me all the good things in New York and then the bad things. He helped me escape from my sister. And now he has slept with her.

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