Chapter 20- Camp Fear

Start from the beginning


"It is safe to come out?" Two adorable kids said. "You two OK?" Max asked. "For now." "What happened? Where did everyone go?" "We heard something outside, but... We were too scared to come out. I'm Andy. And I'm Mandy. We're twins!" They said as they introduced themselves. "Where's the camp nurse?" Max asked. "Gone," Andy said. "With all the others," Mandy finished. "That's so cute! They finish each other's sentences!" I thought.


"The storm must have taken out the landlines. And there's no cell phone reception either. Let's get back to Gilbert. We'll drive into town," Max said as Ben and I nodded. "Here. To help you dry off. Sorry, but I've only got two clean ones." Max handed Ben and I one, the other to the twins and Gwen. We dried off while Max went to start the Rust Bucket. "You know, you two could really learn something from Andy and Mandy," I said. Gwen didn't say anything, she just gave me a blank stare.


Suddenly, the RV wouldn't start. Ben and I went out with Max to see what the problem was. "Engine's covered in some kind of fungus. Well, looks like we're hunkering down here for a while," Max said. We all entered a cabin and laid Gilbert down on a bunk bed. Ben was itching his foot again. "I wish that there was something that my magic could do to help," I thought.


"Athlete's foot?" "Everyone gets it here," The twins said. "Now you kids remain put. Keep an eye on Gilbert. I'll see what I can rustle up for us from the kitchen," Max said. "Grandpa rustling up a meal?" "Now that's a scary thought," Ben said. "No kidding. Wait a minute, I made some sandwiches," I said as I pulled them out. "There's ham, turkey, tuna and Italian Assorted. Take your pick, everyone," I said as I grabbed a turkey sandwich for myself.


Ben and Gwen each grabbed the same sandwich. Then they started fighting over it. "Not this again!" I thought, tired of their fighting. "Guys, I made plenty. There's no need for this! Enough!" I said. "Can't you guys just share?" "Like sharing the same birthday with a relative every single year? You don't get it." "Benji, they're twins. As in born on the same day," I said.


"I knew that, princess," He said. "They're here! All around us!" Gilbert said suddenly. "Who's here?" Gwen asked. "That sounded like grandpa!" Ben said as we rushed to the door. "Don't go out there! They'll find you," Gilbert said. "Chil. I have animal instinct," Ben said. "I'm coming with you. There's no way I'm letting you go out there alone," I said. Knowing that there was no point in arguing, Ben nodded.


As soon as we were far enough away, Ben activated the Omnitrix. In a flash of green light, he was Wildmutt. I got on his back and we raced to find Max. Suddenly, I saw many mushrooms and a giant one. Then tentacles rose from the ground and Ben ran as fast as he could to get away. But it was no use, they got us and dragged us down into the hole. When we reached the bottom, we saw Max. "Ben! Paige!" He yelled. Then he was dragged away.


Ben freed us and we raced to find Max. Suddenly, the Omnitrix timed out. "Man! Not now! Grandpa?!" "Max! Where are you?!" I yelled, praying he could hear me. Then giant mushrooms came alive and stalked toward us. Ben grabbed my hand and we ran as fast as we could. We made it out of the hole and went to a piece of construction equipment. "How do you work this thing?" Ben asked. "I'm taking you guys out at the root!" Many of them were shoved back into the hole. Then those tentacles showed up again and dragged the machine into the hole.

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