Love letter☹️

Start from the beginning

Soon the classes started and I eagerly waited for the PT period. Everyone went to the ground while I chose to stay. After making sure that nobody was present there, I took outside my confession letter. I soon shifted to Abhi's seat and took a notebook that I found and inserted the letter into it and made sure that it can be easily seen.

Oh god. Please let this be a success. I prayed.

After getting bored sitting alone in the class I joined my friends in the ground. Even though i was physically present there my mind was engaged with anticipation. What will be his response?
Will he be disappointed in me? Don't dishearten yourself. He did showed some signs of caring towards you. I calmed myself.

After that two period finished. I was still waiting for him to open the letter and see his reaction.

"So everyone submit your maths notebook after the class. ", the class teacher ordered. what the hell. Oh my god. Am I gonna be embarassed like this. I hid the letter in maths book. Most of the students gave their books to class rep who collected it together. But Abhi always submitted his books directly.

I ran behind him. I can't let Abhi submit the book to teacher. She will complaint to papa.

"Abh..... ", i was about to call him when he crashed with someone and fell down and his books fell from his hand.. And there was my letter easily visible to him lying in front of his. He apologized to the other kid and he picked up my letter and started reading it.

My heart started beating like crazy. He was reading my confession. He will know about all my hidden feelings. I tried to decipher his feelings by reading his face but I couldn't understand anything. It was like a blank paper.
I waited waited and waited. Atleast give some expression.

My heart was asking for his smile but was also ready to accept his frown.

But his next action torned my heart into million peace. All my hope all my love was humiliated at that moment when i saw him crush that letter with both his hands. The same letter that I took hours to write. The same letter that I took months of planning. The same letter into which I poured my years of love towards him.

Without even realizing beads of tears started dropping from my eyes. Why did he do that? He could have just rejected me by writing me a letter or by just talking. Was i this despicable in his eyes. Did he really hate me.

No I wanted to hear it from him. I went behind him and asked.

"Why did you do that Abhi? ", I asked. He was a bit shocked seeing me there.

" You mean this' he pointed towards the letter in his hands

"Abhi I wrote with so much courage. How can you crush it like that? ", I asked again

" Siya who needs courage to write a silly letter like this. Aren't you coming to school to study. I think you have a lot of damn time to have so many wierd thoughts I guess. Do someone call this a confession letter haa. ", he mocked.

"And why the hell should your confession letter be in my book. Are you trying to play with me? Huh? "

"Abhi what are you trying to say? "

"I am saying exactly what you are thinking Siya. You plan to play with people's heart. But sorry today your plan failed miserably. ", he was spouting nonsense and nonsense. Amd I was standing there frozen.

Why did everything turned out like this? He was humiliating my effort and there I was standing like someone who couldn't even utter a word. Wasn't he noticing the streams of tears leaving my eyes? He was really ruthless. But still I couldn't hate him. I still loved him. Maybe he was angry with me over something i didn't know. Maybe..... I wasn't ready to give up.

But I really wanted to ask him something.

"Abhi I really can't understand anything what you are saying but just answer me this. Do you have someone you like? "

"Whether I have someone I like or not is not your business Siya but it will definitely not be someone as despicable as you. ", he said. That was enough.

I turned as walked away wiping those tears which were flowing like a river. That day was the start of my depressing phase. I started to do everything to forget him. I started reminding myself he was not the one for me. I would get someone better. But my heart was a traitor. A bloody traitor. I would secretly gaze him with longingness but he would just treat me like air. And Sedha's closeness towards Abhi poured more salt onto my wounds. I calmed my mind still reminding myself that maybe they will still be friends until that day..

"Why the hell are you following her. ", it was Abhi's voice. Why was he scolding someone. I hid behind a wall and watched them. There was a boy and Sedha standing there.

" I like her Abhi. Can't you just let me court her. ", the other boy said.

" This is not called courting. You are stalking her. I will compain to authorities if you try to follow her again. ", Abhi pulled his collar.

" Abhi let's leave. ", Sedha pulled Abhi's hand out of fear that someone might see them.

" Sedha tell me that you like me too. I can wait for you. ", that boy insisted.

" No I don't like you please leave. I already have a boyfriend and that's Abhi. ", Sedha said shocking me. Abhi and Sedha? They are together. Abhi was shocked at her proclamation but he didn't correct her also. That means he and Sedha? What about me? How will I make myself understand that I was never someone Abhi liked. Maybe he never me considered as even a friend. I couldn't stand there even for a minute.


' it will definitely not be someone as despicable as you.', Abhi was laughing at me hugging Sedha.

I woke up from my sleep feeling sweaty. Abhi also woke up seeing me wake up with a shock.

"Siya what happened? why are you sweating? ", he asked out of worry. How could I tell him that you are the source of all my worries.

"I dreamt that you had an affair. "

"What? ", he said with a slight smile?

" Was she beautiful? Sexy? Alluring? When will I meet her ", Abhi asked taunting me.

I hit him with a pillow and kicked him out of the bed. " You are sleeping on sofa today. ", I demanded.

" What? ", he asked innocently. Should I just banish him from this room for all the sufferings that he has given me? I glared angrily at him.

"Ok baba. Siya babe. Don't do this na. Will I even dare to have affair with another women when I have such a sexy wife. ", he captured my lips after hugging me.

" You should promise me that you won't look at other women. You can only love me. I should be the only women in your life. ", I said struggling in between the kisses.

"I can't promise that. Who knows maybe I will love a little baby Siya even more in the future. "He said pressing my waist. , I glared at him again.

" Fine fine. I will love you the most till death. ", I kept my fingers over his lips to stop him from talking nonsense. " Don't "

"Siya you are such a vixen seducing me in the middle of the night. ", he pounced on me putting all the blame on me. And there goes another sleepless night..

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