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Neville was charging around the castle in search for Daisy. He wanted to check if she was okay, but also make sense of what Vivienne was talking about. He found her in one of the corridors. He recognised her instantly from her sulking gait and purposeful stomp.

"Daisy! Daisy!" Neville called.

"Finally came to check if I'm okay, have you?" the girl responded angrily. She whipped around to view him, fire roaring in her eyes.

"I thought you'd want to be on your own."

"Well you thought wrong."


Daisy stopped in her tracks. She didn't want to go into the common room out of fear that it would be too crowded, but she knew Neville wouldn't give up until they spoke. She perched herself on a window ledge, leaning against the frosted window. It cooled her hot face. Neville remained stood up, infront of her.

"How are you feeling?"

"Fantastic," Daisy replied bitterly. She looked at her reflection in the window and began dabbing away at her smudged make up.

"I'm sorry she said that to you."

"You didn't make her say it."


"So don't apologise."

"Why did you....why did you break things off with Dean?"

"I'm not upset about Dean I'm upset about-" she paused. She was upset about being in love with her best friend and having to watch him fall in love with someone else. "What Velma said."

"I know, she was horrible to you."

Daisy shrugged. "She probably some truth."

"Yes - you are pretty scary when you want to be." Neville joked, winking.

"I don't want to be scary!" Daisy burst. "I want to be pretty and delicate and have everyone love me simply because I exist and look nice. I want to be Vivienne Truro!"

Neville pursed his lips. He was unsure what to say. He had no idea she compared herself like this. He always thought she was confident in herself, he didn't see how she couldn't be. She was beautiful. He probably should have reassured her but he didn't know where to start.

"Sorry, that's embarrassing. Don't you dare tell your little girlfriend I said that or I will rip off all your finger nails one by one!"

"I won't I won't. But she isn't my girlfriend."

"You want her to be, though, don't you?"

"We'll see."

"So that's a yes?"

"It's a we'll see."

Daisy laughed. "You really are insufferable sometimes."

Neville pushed himself up onto the ledge beside Daisy. "So, what happened with Dean?"

"I got sick of him," Daisy replied with a shrug. She was conscious of Neville's analytical eyes focused on her. She struggled to decipher his expression. Why did he keep asking that?

"Vivenne said you're not telling me the truth about why you broke it off with him?"

Daisy shifted in her seat, desperate to not disturb her demeanour. "What's it got to do with Vivienne?"

"That's what I thought. She wouldn't tell me."

"I have no idea what she's on about." Daisy's voice was stable; but ice cold.

"She was pretty insistent I asked you, she told me you're not being honest about something-"

"She's stirring the pot. I don't know how she dare have a go at me for not being honest."

"So there is something you're not being honest about?"

"No, she's trying to cause drama." Daisy slowed down her annunciation, as if she was explaining a simple subject to Velma.

"Why would she do that?"

"Because she hates me. She wants you all to herself. And her and her cronies thrive on drama, they need it to live."

"Her and Veronica aren't friends anymore-"

"I don't care. She's still a mean girl, Neville, no one changes that quickly." And with that, she picked herself up, readying herself to leave. "Don't follow me."

Neville absorbed her stern instruction and remained seated in the window ledge. His mind was foggy with confusion. Questions whirled around his head forming a tension underneath his temple. What was Vivienne talking about? Was Daisy not being honest about something? And more importantly, why on earth was Daisy jealous of Vivienne?

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