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The cafe they found refuge in was fairly busy, which aided them in their attempt to draw as little attention as possible to themselves. Neville was much more responsive as Vivienne dabbed his wounds with one of her hand made healing potions. 

"These better not be poisoning me," chuckled Neville. The ointments she placed were incredibly soothing to his burning cuts from Draco's scratching. He trusted her even more when she pulled out a healing plant from her bag. 

"Not at all," she smiled. 

"I just don't understand why no one is paying attention to MY wounds!" cried Velma, slamming her hands down on the table.

"What wounds aren't we paying attention to?" asked Vivienne, pausing in her application of the leaf onto Neville's bruises to study her friend. 

"They're not physical, stupid. They're mental wounds." 

"You can say that one again," mumbled a bemused Neville. He shared a look filled with laughter with Vivienne. 

"They're not physical, stupid. They're mental wounds," Velma repeated.

"No, Velma, it's a figure of speech," replied Vivienne with a shake of her head. 

Velma folded her arms. "I'm no longer speaking to you until you ask me how I am."

Vivienne rolled her eyes and began a complicated spell to hopefully fix Neville's wounds. 

"Ooo will you get me some pumpkin juice!" Velma suddenly squealed. Her eyes had fixated on the menu in the corner of the cafe. It was changing every so often to showcase all the delicacies the place had to offer.

"I thought you were being silent until I asked how you were."

Velma pouted at Vivienne and her silence resumed. 

"I hope Daisy can find us okay," Vivienne stressed aloud. Just at that, McGonagall and Madame Pomfrey bustled into the cafe. 

"Here you are!" gushed McGonagall in a motherly tone. "We looked everywhere!"

"Did you look in my house? If you did, did you say hello to my pet rat? He's been very lonely recently," Velma said, to which her enquiry was ignored. 

Madame Pomfrey pushed passed everyone to inspect Neville as the head of Gryffindor hurled questions at Neville about what happened. 

Meanwhile, Daisy was watching the group from outside. It was already cramped from what she could see. She watched Vivienne remove all the ointments she had carefully applied to Neville and inhaled sharply as she place her hand on his. Daisy gulped. It looked strangely normal: them two sharing a moment of physical intimacy. It looked comfortable. She tore herself away, tears streaming down her face. She didn't even know why she was crying. She guessed it was because, for the first time in forever, Neville looked as though he didn't need her. 

Once Daisy reached the common room, Hermione was immediately by her side asking how both she and Neville were. She was shocked news had travelled so fast, they even knew about Vivienne and Neville. Ron had made a comment about how Neville managing to woo Vivienne meant he might stand a chance with the veelas from Beauxbaton. 

Neville was relieved he was able to walk to the hospital wing without experiencing too much pain. Thankfully, he was feeling a lot better after the attention from Vivienne and Madame Pomfrey. Vivienne was beaming from all the compliments she received from Madame Pomfrey about all her handmade ointments and healing capabilities.  When the conversation between them ended, Vivienne slowed down her stride to walk with Neville.

"Where's Daisy?" he asked.

"Not sure. But, I know she's your best friend and everything, but I told you not to tell anyone and you told her about us."

"No I didn't I swear, I have no idea how she knows."

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not. Why would I tell her?"

"Because you're in love with her and are trying to make her jealous?" 

Neville was taken aback by her words and looked her in the eyes. They were overcast with an emotion Neville couldn't quite place. It was hurt; but she herself didn't know if it was because she was mad at him telling Daisy or whether it was because she genuinely had feelings for him. "Of course not, I don't use people like others seem to."

"I don't know what you mean."

"So you think you've treat me fair throughout this whole situation, do you?" 

"I literally just saved your life whilst ruining my own."

"My hero." Neville scoffed. 

"I'm serious. I have no idea what Veronica will do to me now I've betrayed her. I know all her secrets and now I've betrayed her once she will think I'll of do it again." Genuine terror washed over her face. "You don't know what I know. All everyone else sees is a typical high school bully, but you don't know what she's capable of."  

Their conversation died down as they entered the hospital wing. Neville was instructed to get comfortable on one of the beds. He was grateful he only had to stay one night. McGonagall took Velma and Vivienne to her office to ask them about the incident. On the way, they saw Daisy and McGonagall commented on how she was wondering when she would show her face. Daisy just smiled. 

"Hello stranger," Neville smiled as Daisy materialised in front of him. 

"I didn't want to intrude. It seemed like Vivienne had it under control. I had stuff to do anyway."


"Yeah, like really important stuff. Way more important than seeing if you were okay." They both burst out laughing. 

Daisy sat herself down on the chair adjacent to Neville's bed. She studied the cuts and bruising spattered across his face. It looked immensely painful, yet still Neville smiled through it all. The door swung open and Daisy's heart sank as she presumed it would be Vivienne back. It sunk even further when she realised it was Umbridge. She bustled over to them with an air of importance. She reprimanded Daisy for having her feet propped up on the bed and she brandished a clipboard, pink of course. 

"I can't believe Minerva only just told me about the squabble you had with Mr Malfoy. I'm so glad you're okay, Mr Long..." She consulted her notes. "Bottom." Her induced, fake cadence reminded Neville of the taunting manner Veronica and Draco used towards him.

"It was a bit more of a squabble!" scoffed Daisy.

"I don't remember asking you for your input, Miss Walshaw. That reminds me, Professor McGonagall wants to speak with you in her office."

Daisy flashed Umbridge a smile as fake as her concern for Neville and picked herself up of the chair. When Umbridge turned her back, she stuck her middle fingers up at her. 

"I saw that, Miss Walshaw."

"What?" Daisy's voice was small as her stomach sank into her feet.

"Your rude gesture towards me, I saw it."

"It wasn't towards you. It was towards Neville."

Neville nodded dramatically in agreement. "It's how teenagers say goodbye to each other nowadays."

"Well, I think it's simply barbaric." Umbridge waved her wand lazily and Daisy's middle fingers vanished.

"What have you done?!" gasped Daisy, studying her hands.

"Taking away the offending extremities."

"I can see that, but how long for?!"

"They'll be back in a few hours."

"A few hours!"

"Is this back chat you're giving me? Do you need another detention?"

"No, sorry Professor." And with that, Daisy scurried away before Umbridge could remove anymore limbs. 

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