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Daisy was sat in the Great Hall, twirling her quill around in her fingers and biting chipped black polish off her nails. She was stuffed next to Dean on the Gryffindor bench. He was rambling on about their first upcoming DA meeting, but Daisy wasn't listening. She glanced at her Potions homework and tried to read the first question but all she could hear was Dean's voice ringing.

"Dean, no offence, but will you shut up? I have no idea what you're talking about and quite frankly I don't care."

Dean's face crumbled slightly as his mouth fell shut. "Are you okay? Like I know you're normally this mean but...I don't know...Is something bothering you?"

"No, I'm just trying to get this homework done."

"Since when did you care about homework?"

"I don't want detention."

Dean's brown eyes clouded with suspicion and Daisy knew he wasn't going to drop it. She sighed. "Fine, me and Neville had an argument."


Daisy nodded. "It's fine though. We will be fine. I just need to talk to him at lunch."

"But we were going to hang out at lunch?"

"Well now we can't. I need to speak to Neville."

"Can't you speak to Neville another time?"

"Can't we hang out another time?" Daisy fired back, slamming her quill down on the table.

"No. We can't. I'm sick of you cancelling on me for Neville. I haven't seen you in ages."

"You're seeing me right now. I need to see Neville and talk to him-"

"When are you going to put me first?" Dean spat, anger straining his voice. Daisy flinched, she hadn't heard him speak like this; it sounded so foreign it had taken her by surprise.

"You're being ridiculous!"

"No I really don't think I am! Everytime we arrange something you cancel for Neville-"

"He is my best friend!"

"And I'm your boyfriend!"

"Dean, I don't know what you think you know about me but I'm not the type of girl to abandon her friends for some boy."

"Some boy?!" Dean scoffed, visibly hurt. "I can't do this anymore."

"Do what?" Was he breaking up with her?

"This. I can't sit and watch you put him first-"

"Of course I'm going to, he's my best friend."

"Why can't you see that he's madly in love with you?!" Dean shouted frantically. "I can't just sit here and watch it. I can't do it anymore, Daisy."

Daisy paused, speechless. Tears flashed across her eyes. "He's not...he's not in love with me." Her voice was quiet, barely audible and, in Dean's opinion, not at all convincing. Her heart was pounding in her chest. Neville wasn't in love with her! That's absurd!

Dean was just about to respond when Seamus burst through the Great Hall doors and raced over to them. He was running with an air of importance, which momentarily distracted Dean. Daisy took this opportunity to dab her eyes dry with the sleeve of her cloak.

"Guess what I just saw!" Seamus cried, slamming himself onto the bench next to Daisy.

"Enlighten me," Dean replied miserably.

"You just won't believe it." He was shaking his head in disbelief,  his blue eyes still rounded with astonishment.

"Are you going to tell us then?" pressed Daisy.

"I was walking past the greenhouses-" Seamus began.

"Why were you there? You don't even take Herbology?" Dean interrupted.

"That's not important," he said quickly. "The important part is that I saw Neville Longbottom kissing Vivienne Truro!"

Seamus' words shot through Daisy's heart like an arrow. Her blood dried inside of her. How could he? He knew how she felt about Vivienne. She had asked him yesterday and he had lied to her face!

"No way! Are you sure?" Dean exclaimed.

"Couldn't be more sure."

Dean let out a low whistle. "Damn, wonder how much he paid her for that."

Daisy inhaled, her breath rattling in her chest. She couldn't even bring herself to tell Dean off for his mean comment. She wanted to scream. She had to find Neville. She routed through her bag and handed the boys a galleon. "Don't tell anyone else."

"Are you bribing us?" Dean asked.

"Most certainly." She picked herself up off the bench and then turned to face her boyfriend. "I told you he wasn't in love with me." And she disappeared before he could apologise to her.

Meanwhile, Neville's chapped lips were locked onto Vivienne's. This wasn't how he expected his first kiss to go. He pulled away and she glared at him quizzically.

"Why'd you pull away? Don't you like kissing me?" Vivienne demanded.

"You have a boyfriend!"

"Do I? Oh yeah, it's fine though, he's sleeping with Veronica behind my back."

"What? I thought Veronica was your best friend?"

"Yeah, same. It's fine though. I never liked him anyway. He just used me. He never saw me for me. Not like you do."

Neville distanced himself further from the blonde. He shook his head of curls. "Break up with him first," he said quietly.

"I'm not going to do that!" cackled Vivienne, in a tone that implied Neville was stupid.

"But he's cheating on you? With your best friend?"

"Yeah, and?"

"I don't understand you at all. The values you have...the things you think are normal...it's strange."

"Oh I'm the strange one?" echoed Vivienne with a shriek. "You're the one who keeps begging to hang out with me and then came onto me!"

"That's not true, Vivienne, and you know it."

Vivienne's rosy lips pursed. She was lost for words. No one ever talked back to her. She collected her things and made her way to the door.

"Vivienne, come on let's talk about this," Neville pleaded. He suddenly realised that he had just had Vivienne Truro's lips on his. And he pulled away. He wanted to feel them again, and again and again.

Vivienne whipped around to face him, her violet eyes ablaze with fury. Her sheet of silver hair flowing with the force of her turn. "How dare you! You're lucky I even share a room with you! And then you come onto me like that, I should have you sued!" she cried her voice ringing out in the greenhouse.

"Daisy was right about you. You haven't changed at all." Neville laughed bitterly. Vivienne charged out,  leaving Neville to be swallowed up by the deafening silence.

wanderlust ☆ n.longbottomWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu