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Daisy was shocked to see Neville away from Vivienne. His eyes were fixated on the worn, crimson rug in the common room. Sadness crept across his face and Daisy debated going over and sitting next to him. Curiosity got the better of her and she fulfilled her want, in true Daisy fashion.

"What's got your knickers in a twist?"

Neville looked up. Even though Daisy had been spending the past fifteen minutes staring at him, he appeared startled by Daisy's sudden comment. He shook his head, as though that would be enough to dismiss any further questioning.

"Vivienne finally came to her senses and ditched you?" Daisy kept her tone jovial, in the hope that her question came out as a joke. 

Neville sighed to indicate she was correct and Daisy's stomach flipped with joy. She hated how happy his sadness about that made her. She was a horrible friend. But she was desperately in love. Love made people do stupid things.

"What happened?"

"We're just...too different."

"I could've told you that ages ago."

"We broke it off because...well..." Neville trailed off when Hermione materialised next to them. She was wearing an extremely solemn expression.

"Neville," she said softly. "I think you should see this." With trembling hands, she passed him a crumbled up newspaper article.

Daisy watched his expression contort from confused to utter despair in seconds. Neville said nothing but let out a slight yelp and threw the newspaper to the floor. Daisy scrambled to the floor to pick it up as Neville charged out the room.

"I didn't know what to do," Hermione said softly. "I had to tell him before he saw it elsewhere."

Daisy glared at Hermione as she unfurled the article. She jumped when she saw the sunken, manic eyes that glowered back at her from the newspaper article. Bellatrix Lestrange's expression seemed to crawl from the page and sink its teeth deeply into Daisy's brain, seering a scar there.

Daisy shook her head, as though trying to get the image away. "How do you even know about Bellatrix?"

"Neville told me last year. I noticed  how upset Neville got when Moody - well what we thought was Moody - was teaching us about the forbidden curses. I kept it quiet, though, don't worry. I didn't know if I should tell him or not but I figured he would find out eventually-"

Daisy interrupted Hermione's emotional tangent. "You did the right thing. Thanks." She flashed her friend a smile, but it unnerved Hermione how it didn't quite reach Daisy's eyes. "I should probably go and find him. Would you get rid of this?" Daisy shoved the artcile into Hermione's outstretched hand. "Like burn it or something. Just get rid of it."

Hermione nodded, anxiously watching as Daisy departed the common room in search for Neville.

After what felt like forever, Daisy still hadn't found Neville. The more time that past, the anxious knot in her stomach doubled in size. She did come across Vivienne, who was dragging her luggage out into the hallway outside the Slytherin dungeon.

"Oi blondie, have you seen Neville?" she yelled, wondering why Vivienne needed a spacious trunk compiled solely of make up.

Vivienne's eyes were like daggers as she stuffed a few rogue pink lip glosses into a different bag. "Who?"

"Oh don't play games with me, it's important!" How dare Vivienne act like Neville didn't exist when he could be feeling the worst thing he'd ever expereinced?

"I still have no idea what you're talking about."

"Well, if you see your ex tell him I'm extremely worried about him."

A few passers-by began muttering between themselves at this new titbit, glancing back and forth between the duo.

The coldness in Vivienne's demeanour melted slightly. It left a hot fury in its place. "Of course he's already told you about the breakup."

"Glad to hear you've matured enough to stop playing your stupid games. Now, have you actually seen him? I'm worried about him."

"What makes you think I'd be able to help? You're his chosen one!"

"What do you mean his 'chosen one'?"

"He chose you Daisy! You won! Well done! Now can you leave me alone and stop taunting this in my face!" Her exclamation rung in Daisy's ears. What did she mean?

Daisy stood, dumbfounded, as Vivienne gathered up her things slammed the Slytherin dungeon door behind her. It was a visual representation of her conclusion to the conversation, but Daisy wasn't finished. What did she mean? She pushed it out of her mind and continued her search for Neville.

Eventually, she found him in an empty classroom. His knees were tucked into his chest and his eyes were red. Relief washed over Daisy as she pulled up a seat next to him. He instantly rubbed his eyes.

"Found you," Daisy said.

Neville let out a bitter chuckle. "Congratulations." He met her gaze weakly and his blotchy eyes almost broke Daisy's heart.

"Oh, Neville, I'm so sorry." She cupped his face and wiped a tear away with her thumb.

"Not your fault," sniffed Neville's response. He originally attempted to disguise his tears but it was no use. There was no point hiding from Daisy.

"No, I know, it's just a thing people say isn't it? Stupid really-" Daisy rambled on into the silence.

"Do you think she'd remember me?" he asked suddenly, his voice wavering with despair.  "Bellatrix? Do you think she would?"

"I don't know, Nev." Daisy was unsure what to say. She didn't know what response Neville wanted.

"She's going to remember me. I'm going to find her. You know, I'm glad she's escaped prison because now I can find her and I can kill her."

Daisy knew it was the anger talking but there was an unfamiliar glint in Neville's eyes that looked a lot like determination.

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