Chapter 19- The Galactic Enforcers

Start from the beginning


"Yield?! What is this, a traffic light? Kick their butts before they try to pull something," Ben said. Then the purple alien had another device that blew up in the aliens faces. Then the museum cracked and was about to flatten Gwen and Max. I used my magic again. This time, I used my levitation that I learned at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The museum was back to normal in no time. "Great job, Paige," Max said. "Yeah, that was awesome!" Gwen complimented. "Thanks guys,"


"So, what's a big, strong alien like you doing a planet like this?" We make a good team, don't we?" The female Four Arms asked Ben. "OK, THAT'S IT!" I thought as I rushed over to Ben. "Excuse me but he's with me and unless you want me to use my magic again... I suggest you back off... NOW!" I said, with a fireball in my hand. She backed off as quickly as possible. Then the Omnitrix started to time out.


"Music to my ears," I thought, relieved. "Yes, saved by the beep," Ben said, thinking exactly what I was. "Where'd the rest of you go?" She asked. "Sorry. I'm just a kid. I just get some extra hands once in a while. Plus, I have the most amazing, powerful and beautiful girlfriend in the world," Ben said. That's when he dipped me and we kissed. "No matter how many times we kiss, Ben still makes me weak in the knees and sends butterflies into my stomach." I thought as I savored the moment.


"So, it is true. The Omnitrix is in the possession of a child. We heard you were of somewhat limited metal capacity, No offense," One of the aliens said. "OK! THAT'S IT! Do you have a problem with Ben having the Omnitrix? And for all of your information, he's very smart. He's got me for a girlfriend after all. If anyone else makes fun of Ben... I will burn you so bad, it'll take years to heal!" I said, about ready to explode with a fireball in my hands.


"Don't worry. He gets that all the time." "Gwen!" I shouted, fire in my eyes. She saw the look on my face and immediately backed off. "Greetings, I am Ultimos, the Specimen Prime. This is Synaptak and Tini. We are the Galactic Enforcers!" Ultimos introduced himself. Max, Gwen and I looked at each other, unsure about this. "The uniforms, the moves. You guys rock! Finally some other superheros I can hang with!" Ben said, excitedly.


That comment by Ben hurt. "I'll see you guys later. There's something that I need to take care of," I said to Max and Gwen. "You sure you don't want Ben to come with you?" Gwen asked. "He's busy. I'll see him later," I said before walking away. I went back into the Rust Bucket, sat down on mine and Ben's bunk and picked up a picture of us. I started to sing, wanting to get my feelings out. "If only you could know
The things I long to say
If only I could tell you
What I wish I could convey
It's in my ev'ry glance
My heart's an open book
You'd see it all at once
If only you would look

If only you could glimpse
The feeling that I feel
If only you would notice
What I'm dying to reveal
The dreams I can't declare
The needs I can't deny
You'd understand them all
If only you would try"


Then I heard Ben start to sing.

"What is it about her
That's so wonderfully, impossibly familiar?
Why do I feel dizzy
In a way I've only felt but once before?
How come when she looks at me
It seems like time stops moving
Almost like the way it did that day upon the shore?"

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